Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 152 You win with the next blow

Haha, you dare to play with speed in front of me...

Liu Chen raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a look of disdain. He did not make any other movements, except for a slight stagger of his feet. His whole body seemed to move about a foot away, avoiding the opponent's blow.

Are you also a speed evolver?

The skinny evolver's expression suddenly changed and he exclaimed.

With his current evolutionary level and being an evolver who is good at speed, even if someone can avoid it with all his strength, they can't do it as easily as Liu Chen.

Unless the opponent has the same speed as him.

Liu Chen shook his head and said calmly: I am not a speed evolver, just because your speed is still too slow.

As a dual-line evolution, Liu Chen's every improvement in evolutionary level is equivalent to two evolutions of his body, which is exactly twice as many as other evolvers.

Moreover, his evolutionary level is high, so although he is not a speed evolver, the speed attribute of this body at this time is not weaker than the opponent's, and is even a bit stronger.

You are really looking for death. I wanted to be merciful. In this case, I will send you to see the King of Hell!

Feeling the ridicule in Liu Chen's words, the thin evolver was obviously extremely embarrassed and angry. The dagger glowing with blue light in his hand slashed again and went straight towards Liu Chen's vitals.

He also applied poison...

Smelling the fishy smell, Liu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, but he did not dare to greet it. He retreated violently again and dodged the blow again.

Evolvers are by no means invincible. Liu Chen does not understand the level of Overlord, but under Overlord, there are too many factors that can cause death.

And even if you are an overlord, you can't really be proud of everything.

In Liu Chen's memory, the death of overlord-level evolvers is not common, but it is not extremely rare either.

I dare not say too much, but there are still double digits.

Only a small part of this fall is due to lack of own strength, and more is due to some external factors.

For example, an irresistible super-killing weapon, or some kind of powerful toxin.

Of course, except for some heaven-defying toxins, it is impossible to harm an overlord-level evolver.

However, it is not that difficult to kill E-level and below evolvers.

If an evolved person does not reach C level, he will still be like an ant...

This sentence was often said by Liu Chen, the most famous scientist in the world in his previous life.

Although it doesn't sound nice, it is an undeniable fact.

Before human evolvers reach C level, although their own abilities have undergone earth-shaking changes, they are still fragile in nature.

Powerful weapons, deadly toxins, etc. can all pose fatal threats to them.

Ordinary deadly venom may not threaten evolvers above C level, but it is still easy to kill E level ones.

Presumably, this was the real reason why the skinny evolver was so arrogant.

After realizing this, Liu Chen couldn't help but feel a violent murderous intention in his heart. The alloy sword that he had not planned to use instantly unsheathed and struck the opponent with a dazzling brilliance!

The evolvers around Liu Qi can definitely be regarded as the elite of the elite within a province or even within the entire Northeast, let alone the whole world.

Therefore, according to Liu Chen's original plan, there are really not many evolvers at this level of evolution at this stage, so try not to kill them if you can, because in the end each of them has a high chance of becoming a top master at the overlord level.

The more overlord-level masters there are among the human survivors, the more monsters will be killed, which is not a bad thing after all.

Since his rebirth, Liu Chen has actually always held the idea of ​​​​preserving human masters to the greatest extent possible.

But there is a very important premise.

That is, don't threaten yourself or the people around you.

Otherwise, no matter how potential a master is, Liu Chen will still kill him without fail.

The dazzling sword light flashed, and because Liu Chen felt that his life was threatened, the power contained in Liu Chen's sword had reached the absolute E level.


There was a soft sound, and blood splattered everywhere.

The speed type evolver, who was originally good at speed, was completely useless in front of Liu Chen at this moment. Before he could successfully dodge, he was split into two pieces by Liu Chen's knife, including the dagger. !

Brother Qian!

Seeing this scene, Major General Liu Qi's eyes suddenly burst with tears.

He didn't expect that this second battle would turn out like this.

Originally, Liu Chen proposed a competition, and Liu Qi also held a meaningless thought. Anyway, his team of evolvers was very powerful, and there was no suspense about winning against Liu Chen and Xiao Ying. At most, it would just take a little more effort.

But if we can gain two more masters with amazing evolutionary levels, then it will be a good deal no matter how you look at it.

But he never expected that someone on his side would die tragically during this fight.

Injury does not matter, it is inevitable, but when it rises to the height of death, everything is completely different.

Emotionally speaking, these evolvers in the provincial capital gathering place do not have much personal relationship with Liu Qi himself. However, since the old men in the provincial capital gathering place have sent these people here, once there is a loss, in the end Liu Qi must still be held responsible.

Therefore, Liu Qi was not shocked and angry at this moment. He looked at Liu Chen and shouted: You dare to commit murder in public and kill my brother. Do you really think that I don't dare to kill you?

Liu Chen put away the knife. There was no trace of blood on the snow-white blade. He said softly with an indifferent expression: General Liu, do you remember what I said to you? You are just too hypocritical. Just kill people if you want. Why bother to find so many lies? Damn it, if you can't afford to lose, you don't have to bet on this game, no one will laugh at you.

Haha, Liu Chen, you really underestimate me. Since you have made a bet, I will bet with you to the end so that you can understand the consequences of being young and energetic!

Liu Qi sneered, but still did not let everyone attack together, but everyone could feel the dark and sinister smell in his words.

After saying that, Liu Qi turned to look at the evolver who was already infinitely close to E-level, and might even have reached E-level. He solemnly saluted and said, Brother Jiang, I'll leave it to you. Please be sure to give me this. Capture him.

Haha, don't worry, brother Liu, he's just a young man who doesn't know the heights of the world. He can do things with his hands. The evolver who looked to be at least fifty years old, but was still very energetic said with a loud smile. .

Then, the man took a few steps forward, walked up to Liu Chen, and said proudly: Young man, I won't bully you. If you can take my three moves, then I will lose this game. How about that?

Liu Chen smiled faintly, slowly pulled out the alloy sword, shook his head and said: No need to go to so much trouble. If you can take my sword, then I will be considered a loser and I will let you do whatever you want.

Before he finished speaking, a knife struck out violently like the scorching sun in the sky!

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