Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 145 Major Liu Chen


Liu Chen was startled when he heard this. He took over the military uniform and took a look at the military rank. Sure enough, it was indeed the major mark.

...Just like that, I became an officer?

Liu Chen shook his head helplessly and handed the uniform and military rank to Chen Yu to put away without any fluctuation in his heart.

After the end of the world begins, military ranks no longer represent honor and merit as they did before, and they are no longer difficult to obtain.

In his previous life, Liu Chen did not know how many evolutionaries he had seen wearing military uniforms and military ranks. These people all called themselves officers, but in fact, the military uniforms and military ranks they wore were not necessarily where they came from, and they could not be taken seriously at all.

Anyway, in the apocalypse, no one cares about this. As long as they don't go too far, even the orthodox military forces will turn a blind eye.

However, Liu Chen's status is relatively formal. After all, it was granted by Wei Renxiong himself. The colonel is a real military member. Although it is still a bit of a joke for a colonel to be promoted to a major, at this time, no one Pay attention to those things.

Moreover, Liu Chen knew very well why Wei Renxiong did this. First, it was to give him an identity that could govern the No. 2 gathering place. After all, Liu Chen did not belong to the Jincheng gathering place before, let alone the military. He suddenly took over the No. 2 gathering place. In a gathering place, without a decent identity, it is really difficult to convince the crowd.

The second and most important point is that since Liu Chen's military rank was awarded by Wei Renxiong, it means that Liu Chen has truly belonged to Wei Renxiong's faction since then.

A colonel naturally has absolute jurisdiction over a major.

But Liu Chen didn't bother to expose Uncle Wei's little thoughts. Anyway, when he arrived at gathering place No. 2, the surname there would be changed to Liu instead of Wei.

Based on the No. 2 gathering place, and with the assistance of the chariot shop, Liu Chen has absolute confidence that the No. 2 gathering place will be different from the past in a short period of time. Even if he does not completely break up with Wei Renxiong by then, he will still be able to make it different. The opposing side has become an independent force.

Liu Chen, I will go with you this time. This is Colonel Wei's order.

After presenting the military uniform and rank, Xiaoying did not leave, but said again.

No problem. Liu Chen readily agreed.

This was also expected. Wei Renxiong asked him to take over the No. 2 gathering place, but he did it out of necessity. He definitely didn't really want to give him the No. 2 gathering place. Naturally, he had to deploy his trusted personnel.

Moreover, Xiaoying's strength is not weak, and it is not useless to go to the second gathering place. It can help with many things.

He got a powerful thug in vain, and Liu Chen didn't have time to welcome him, so how could he reject him.

Brother Zhao, there's something wrong with your state. Didn't you get a good rest last night?

Liu Chen handed the chariot to Chen Yu to drive, and he and Zhao Wuliang sat in a military jeep. Seeing the other party's listless look, Liu Chen couldn't help but ask strangely.

Not only did I not get a good rest, I didn't sleep at all all night...

Zhao Wuliang smiled bitterly, and then asked with a solemn expression: Brother Liu, was it really someone who deliberately caused the mutated beasts to attack the city last night?

Liu Chen nodded and said: There is no dispute about this. Someone did it deliberately.

Zhao Wuliang was silent for a moment, then twitched the corner of his mouth with some difficulty, and asked again: Colonel Wei said that Liu colluded with outsiders to do it. Does Brother Liu think it is true?

Liu Chen pondered for a moment and said: I can't say for sure, but there is a high probability. Because it is impossible for Colonel Wei to send people to lure the mutated beasts here, and there are very few people with such strength in the Jincheng gathering area.

Zhao Wuliang did not refute, but a look of confusion and pain flashed in his eyes, and he murmured: But what is this for? The idea has always been to protect the gathering place, but doing so will obviously destroy the gathering place, and him What difference does it make to those unscrupulous people you look down on!

Liu Chen shook his head, but did not speak to persuade.

He didn't know how to persuade the other party. Zhao Wuliang was originally Liu Qi's confidant, but this kind of confidant was not the kind of person who was loyal to Liu Qi himself, but was very sympathetic to Liu Qi's ideas.

But now Liu Qi's image has obviously collapsed in Zhao Wuliang's heart, and it is natural that he can't think about many things.

Brother Liu, I'm afraid there's something you don't know yet. Last night, the entire No. 1 gathering place was arresting people. Those who were originally loyal to Liu were arrested, and a few of them who resisted were shot dead on the spot. If I hadn't been dealing with the underground ruins at that time, I'm afraid the end would have been the same... Zhao Wuliang laughed bitterly again.


Liu Chen didn't know how to interface. He also heard some noise last night. Although Wei Renxiong didn't tell him explicitly, he roughly guessed that the other party was cleaning up uneasy factors in Gathering No. 1.

Liu Chen still agreed with Wei Renxiong's approach.

Those uneasy factors should have been completely eliminated long ago, otherwise if a problem occurs, it will not only be Wei Renxiong who will be unlucky, but the survivors of the entire gathering place.

However, this kind of cleanup is not a good thing for Zhao Wuliang, because most of those people who were old friends were arrested and locked up at once. Judging from Wei Renxiong's consistent tough methods, the fate of these people may not be better. Where to go.

It wasn't that Zhao Wuliang had any objections to Wei Renxiong because of this matter, but his mood was not much better.

Look at it, Brother Zhao. If that person really colluded with the people in the provincial capital gathering place, we will definitely not go anywhere smoothly when we take over the No. 2 gathering place this time. It is even very possible that the entire No. 2 gathering place now They have all been taken over by Liu Qi, and what awaits us will be a fierce battle. Liu Chen thought for a while before speaking to comfort him.

Gathering Place No. 2... No, Yingying is still there... Zhao Wuliang's expression suddenly changed. The confusion and pain in his eyes disappeared at once, replaced by endless tension and worry.

... Damn it, I really don't know how to comfort people. Liu Chen could only smile helplessly when he saw this.

However, his words were not meant to scare Zhao Wuliang. According to the guesses of Liu Chen and Wei Renxiong, the reason why Liu Qi sent people to lure mutant beasts from the river to attack the city yesterday was definitely not to cause trouble for Gathering No. 1. Simple, but it is very likely to attract Wei Renxiong's attention so that he can carry out some kind of action at gathering place No. 2.

Now that a night has passed, there is still no news from the No. 2 gathering place. This obviously means that even if Liu Qi has not completely succeeded, the entire No. 2 gathering place may be in chaos.

Zhao Wuliang's sister Zhao Ying is a close confidant of Wei Renxiong, so her situation is naturally extremely dangerous.

Liu Chen was not in the mood to care about Zhao Wuliang's unruly sister. Instead, he was a little worried about Chen Lei.

That guy happens to be at the No. 2 gathering place right now, so don't get involved and cause any accidents.

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