Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 134 Ruins

After Tongtong, who transformed into the evil ghost commander, jumped under the cliff, Liu Chen and others did not go forward again. Instead, they asked people to return to the ground and informed Wei Renxiong of what happened, and at the same time brought a large number of people. People and equipment.

After that, everyone began to go deep under the cliff.

What surprised them was that there was a ruins of buildings under the cliff. It was obviously the biochemical experimental base of the Japs. Unfortunately, it was now so damaged that it was unclear whether anything valuable could be found.

Liu Chen did not find any trace of Tongtong here, but he found a passage leading to the ground, about several miles long, and the other end just led into the mountain where gathering place No. 1 relied.

Judging from some fresh traces inside, the evil ghost commander escaped from here.

This result naturally made Liu Chen feel very disappointed, but now that it was over, he had no other choice but to improve his strength as soon as possible and wait for the other party to come again.

Liu Chen knew very well in his heart that the words that the other party dropped before leaving were definitely not a threat to vent his anger, but something that he really wanted to do and had the ability to do.

An army of 100,000 evil ghosts is more than enough to destroy the two gathering places in Jincheng.

Liu Chen couldn't predict how long it would take Tongtong to gather these 100,000 troops, but it must not be too short.

After all, it is still unknown whether there are hundreds of thousands of evil ghosts in the entire Jincheng area.

Since the evil ghost commander could not be found and the underground area was basically explored, Liu Chen simply stopped participating in the next things. After all, he did not have any position in the Jincheng gathering place. These things were all done to help, so naturally he did not Everything needs to be involved.

Xiao Chen, it's really thanks to you this time. It's useless to say thank you. If you want Uncle Wei to thank you, just ask.

Wei Renxiong already knew what was going on below, and naturally knew that without Liu Chen, not only would all those sent down there be annihilated, but the entire No. 1 gathering place would also be in great danger.

A group of biological weapons led by an evil ghost commander can definitely exert extremely terrifying combat power.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that after this incident, Liu Chen has undisputedly become the hero of Gathering No. 1. It is naturally impossible for Wei Renxiong not to show any signs of it.

But Liu Chen was not interested in these, so he shook his head and returned to his home first.

After letting the evil ghost commander escape, Liu Chen was always in a heavy mood, and there was no feeling of being a hero.

The super evolved person who uses a harpoon as a weapon is already an extremely powerful threat, but compared to an evil ghost commander, the threat level of the two is still far from comparable.

No matter how powerful a human evolver is, there are many ways to defeat or even kill him at this stage.

But it is too difficult to kill an evil ghost commander who has gathered an army of evil ghosts.

Taking the head of an admiral out of thousands of troops may have occurred in history, but facing the evil ghost army was simply impossible, unless Liu Chen's evolution level was at least two levels higher than the opponent's.

But the evolution of human evolvers has always been step-by-step, and this situation basically does not happen under normal circumstances.

It seems... we need to upgrade the tank.

Liu Chen looked at the chariot in the small yard and muttered to himself.

At dusk, when Liu Chen was preparing to help his mother prepare dinner, a slight dog barking suddenly sounded from nearby. Liu Chen hurried out and saw that the big black dog general and the macaw had successfully sneaked in here.

Although the guards at Gathering Area No. 1 can be considered strict, there are inevitably some omissions. Preventing evil ghosts without intelligence is not a big problem. For the two mutated beasts that have developed intelligence, they can easily take advantage of the space. The stalls sneak in.

Car thief, look at how many good things Master Bird has brought you. Hurry up and upgrade your chariot.

The macaw used its claws to pull out a small bag from somewhere under the belly of the big black dog general and threw it to Liu Chen.

Upon opening it, it was revealed that all of them were energy crystals, at least dozens of them.

Why so many? Liu Chen couldn't help but be a little surprised.

In his guess, with the strength of the big black dog general and the macaw, the two mutant beasts can hunt about twenty evil ghosts a day, which is already the limit. After all, evil ghosts all come in groups. Even if you don't have wisdom, you can't just stand there and be killed.

Hey, we met the guy with the harpoon again, and we picked up a leak by the way. The macaw smiled proudly and briefly explained the process.

It turned out that when these two guys were hunting evil ghosts, they met the strong harpoon man again, who was killing the evil ghosts crazily. So the macaw had an idea and simply followed the other person, waiting until the other person was almost finished. , the two of them went out and took out the energy crystals and evolutionary energy balls from the evil ghost's corpse.

Obviously, although the super evolver was extremely powerful, he didn't seem to know that there were other things inside the evil ghost's corpse, so he ignored the corpse after killing the evil ghost.

Of course, it's also possible that the super evolved person simply doesn't care about what's inside the evil ghost's body.

But no matter what the reason was, in the end it was cheaper for the macaw and the big black dog.

That guy hasn't left Jincheng yet?

Liu Chen was a little surprised.

He knew very well what the other party's purpose was, and it should be the two mysterious USB flash drives in his hand.

Judging from the situation after the last meeting, the other party did not know that the USB flash drive was in his hand, otherwise he would not have chosen to compensate him for a piece of rare energy metal, but would have directly snatched it.

But later Liu Chen thought he would rush to the next place if he couldn't find him, but he didn't expect that he was still wandering around Jincheng.

It's really getting more and more lively here... Liu Chen couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

With a highly evolved harpoon master and an evil ghost commander, Liu Chen found that he wanted to stay calmly in the Jincheng gathering place to improve his strength, but it might not be that easy to achieve.

However, these things were not something he could decide, so he simply didn't bother to think about anything else. After asking General Macaw and Big Black Dog to guard the area, Liu Chen turned on the tank system and began to absorb the energy crystals.

No matter what, as long as the chariot is upgraded to the next form, Liu Chen will have a way to protect himself. No matter who wants to deal with him, it will not be that easy.

The energy bar under the chariot began to grow continuously, ninety percent... ninety-five percent... one hundred percent...


The system prompt sounded suddenly.

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