Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 131 Continuous Fierce Battles

In the dim and silent depths of the underground, a monster made various gestures of worshiping heaven and earth in front of the altar, while Liu Chen and his group watched in surprise not far away. This scene was strange and terrifying.

Brother Liu, what should we do?

Zhao Wuliang lowered his voice and looked a little pale. Perhaps even he didn't notice that his voice was trembling a little because he was too nervous and frightened.

The others were not much better. Those evolution warriors were even worse than Zhao Wuliang. Although they were not in a state of panic and madness, they still held the guns tightly with both hands, and the veins on the backs of their hands were exposed, revealing their inner feelings. Nervous emotions.

Xiaoying was no longer as indifferent as before, with two full-moon scimitars in her hands ready to attack at any time, staring closely at the figure in front of the altar.

No matter what this guy is doing, we can't wait any longer. Let's do it.

Liu Chen finally made a decision.

If the opponent is really a B-level creature, then no matter whether they choose to take action or escape to the ground, the final result will be death, without any difference.

In this case, it’s better to have a fight before we talk about it.

Moreover, Liu Chen would not accept anything he said. B-level creatures would appear during this time period.

Da da da……

As soon as Liu Chen finished speaking, Zhao Wuliang and others reacted. The firearms in their hands spurted out tongues of fire and attacked the monster in front of the altar.

Liu Chen and Xiaoying did not take action, but stood beside Zhao Wuliang and several other evolved warriors, acting as close guards.

At this stage, the power of firearms is still extremely powerful. If the firearms cannot hurt the opponent, then even if Liu Chen and Xiaoying have amazingly powerful cold weapons in their hands, they may not be able to be effective.

After all, the evolutionary levels of the two of them are far from high.

As soon as the gunfire rang out, the monster suddenly fell down quickly and hid behind the altar with great agility, causing all the bullets to miss.

...This guy is really a thief. Could it be that he has discovered us a long time ago? Zhao Wuliang and others were stunned again.

It's possible, but it's not a bad thing. Liu Chen said lightly, and the look on his face suddenly became relaxed.

Since that monster chose to dodge bullets instead of resisting, it means that it is definitely not a B-level creature. Otherwise, it can just stand there and ignore it completely, because the bullets of such ordinary firearms cannot break through the defense of B-level creatures. .

And as long as the opponent is not a B-level creature, Liu Chen will naturally not be as scared as he was at first.

Ho ho...

As soon as Liu Chen finished speaking, a strange roar suddenly came out, and then, a large group of figures suddenly rushed out of the nearby darkness and rushed towards Liu Chen and others.

It was a group of humanoid creatures, about forty or fifty in number.

However, the evolutionary level of these humanoid creatures is obviously not as high as those that were hung in mid-air before. The highest one is only the peak of F level, and there are only about a dozen of them. The rest are from high level to F level. between peaks.

But even so, this kind of power is definitely extremely terrifying at present, because the two gathering places in Jincheng combined can produce only about one-third of this number of evolved warriors. .

But things have come to this, and everyone now has no choice but to fight to the death.

In particular, Zhao Wuliang and the evolution warriors were already prepared to sacrifice themselves before entering this cave. Naturally, they were not afraid at this time. The guns in their hands fired wildly, and the bullets roared towards the humanoid creatures. go.

Because of the last experience, I knew that the vitality and physical signs of these humanoid creatures were a bit weird, and the effect of bullets hitting vital parts may not be very good. Only severe damage such as cutting them in half or decapitating them would be effective, so Zhao Wuliang had already given orders to those evolution warriors. The goal was not to kill the opponent instantly, but to make the opponent incapacitated.

As a result, the impact points of these soldiers' shots were all on the lower bodies of humanoid creatures.

It has to be said that the effect of Zhao Wuliang's tactics is still very obvious, especially the marksmanship of these evolutionary warriors are top-notch. After a round of bullets were fired, at least a dozen humanoid creatures had their legs broken and could only crawl on the ground. The threat was suddenly reduced a lot.

Zhao Wuliang and others retreated while fighting, still using this method, but since they were shooting on the move, their accuracy suddenly dropped. This time, they only injured seven or eight humanoid creatures.

Change the knife!

At this time, the distance between the two sides was very close, and the gun suddenly lost its original power. Zhao Wuliang simply threw it aside, drew out the standard long knife at the gathering place and shouted.

The appearance of these standard long knives is somewhat similar to the alloy sword in Liu Chen's hand, but the material is too different. They are just fine steel, and there are no scarce metals to choose from.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Wei Renxiong also wanted to equip all the soldiers in the gathering area with powerful cold weapons, but he didn't have that ability at all.

Even a place like the Capital Research Institute, which had the most resources in the country before the end of the world, could only produce only one hundred and eighty alloy swords with all its efforts.

However, the technological level of the Jincheng gathering place is not weak, and the standard long sword produced is at the peak of ordinary cold weapons. Zhao Wuliang and others have tried it not long ago, and it can still kill these humanoid creatures.

As soon as Zhao Wuliang finished speaking, two figures quickly rushed out from the side and rushed directly into the group of humanoid creatures. They were none other than Liu Chen and Xiaoying.

Among these people, the two of them are undoubtedly the most powerful in close combat capabilities, and naturally they will no longer sit idly by.

Especially after the battle not long ago, they had discovered that Zhao Wuliang and those evolution warriors could still display extraordinary combat effectiveness when they had firearms in hand, but they were obviously weaker in close combat. When fighting against these humanoid creatures, Not only does he not have an advantage in battle, but he is in danger of being killed at any time.

Their manpower was already small, and it was not known how long it would take for this underground trip to end. Naturally, Liu Chen would not watch these soldiers die one by one.

The long alloy knife flashed with a frightening cold light. Every time the knife was struck, at least one humanoid creature died. In just a few seconds, the area in front of Liu Chen had been cleared, and there were more than a dozen humanoid creatures. Killed on the spot.

Xiaoying was not slow at all. Although he was not as good as Liu Chen, he still had an absolute advantage against these humanoid creatures and killed nearly half of Liu Chen's number.

A few minutes later, the battle ended. All humanoid creatures were killed again, and Zhao Wuliang and others were all defeated. One of the soldiers was seriously injured, and it was unknown whether he could survive.

We can't move forward anymore. We have to go back up there to rest for a while and then bring more people.

Seeing that Zhao Wuliang and others had clearly reached their limit, and even Xiaoying's spirit had become a little sluggish, Liu Chen made a decision after pondering for a moment.

But just when Liu Chen and the others turned around to leave, a faint voice suddenly sounded from the altar.

Brother Liu, do you just don't want me anymore?

The voice was clear and childish, obviously coming from a child, and it was extremely familiar.

Liu Chen's body suddenly shook, as if struck by thunder.

Turning around and seeing the familiar face on the monster's body, he exclaimed in disbelief: Tongtong?

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