Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 123 Entering the Cave

Facing Wei Renxiong's questioning, which contained a hint of intimacy with his elders, Liu Chen just smiled and said nothing.

Liu Chen naturally knew what Uncle Wei was planning.

It is simply impossible for him to choose a team now.

Liu Chen has now thought clearly. As long as the chariot can be upgraded to its second form, he will no longer have to worry about lining up, because with his own strength, he can completely form his own group, and there is no need to look at anyone else. The look in his eyes.

And because of the strength he possesses, the other two factions will definitely choose to win over him as much as possible instead of breaking up with him, because neither Wei Renxiong nor Liu Qi can afford that price.

This choice is undoubtedly more in line with Liu Chen's character than taking sides, and the benefits are obvious.

...You naughty boy.

Liu Chen didn't answer, and Wei Renxiong had no choice but to continue the topic. He said, Xiao Chen, this big hole appears very strange. I'm going to send someone down to investigate it carefully. You are very powerful, why not do Uncle Wei a favor and go down with us?

Now is the end of the world, and even a small incident may turn into unpredictable consequences. Therefore, Wei Renxiong will not sit idly by when such a strange situation suddenly occurs in the gathering place. He must find out what is going on as soon as possible so that it can be solved. Eliminate potential hazards.

It's just that most of the evolvers loyal to Wei Renxiong have been deployed by him to guard against Liu Qi at the No. 2 Gathering Area, and the manpower available at the No. 1 Gathering Area is somewhat stretched.

To explore this kind of thing, it is of little significance for ordinary soldiers to go down. They must be evolvers, so Wei Renxiong asked Liu Chen for help.

no problem.

Liu Chen just thought about it and agreed.

Since he has no plans to leave the Jincheng gathering place yet, he must consider the safety of his parents even if he does not consider it for his own safety.

Such a strange hole suddenly appeared. If we don't find out the reason, we won't be able to sleep well in the future.

Moreover, the Tongtong that Chen Lei asked him to take care of has now fallen into this strange cave. Although the chance of surviving is very slim, Liu Chen always has to go down and take a look in person to feel at ease.

That's great. With Xiaochen going with you, everyone's safety will be greatly increased. I asked Xiaoying to go with me, so together with Zhao Wuliang and others, it should be enough. Wei Renxiong said with great joy.

No one knew exactly what was going on inside the cave, and Wei Renxiong did not dare to send too many people. If there was an accident, it would be a fatal blow to the entire No. 1 gathering place.

Therefore, only a few people can be sent, and the stronger the better.

For this reason, Wei Renxiong did not hesitate to send one of his two master guards out.

Soon, these people were ready, brought the necessary equipment, set up the rope ladder, and started to set off.

Xiaochen... you guys, please be careful. Wei Renxiong said solemnly.

Don't worry, Uncle Wei. Liu Chen nodded, and did not say any bold words that as long as he was around, he would definitely bring everyone back safely.

In an apocalyptic world full of unknown dangers, anyone who dares to say such things is absolutely insane.

He can't even guarantee his own safety, let alone others.

Without further words, the group of people began to enter the large cave along the rope ladder.

During this period of time, technicians and geological experts from the gathering place also rushed here. After some inspections, they have roughly determined that the depth of this large hole is about 17 or 18 meters. Of course, it is not possible to completely determine whether this depth is accurate. Maybe it is just a protruding boulder below.

Because this large hole contains extremely rich radiation energy, those devices cannot achieve the original precise effect at all and can only be used as a rough judgment method.

Otherwise, there is no need to take the risk of sending people to investigate.

It was extremely dark inside the cave, and the temperature was extremely low. Zhao Wuliang took out a device that could measure the temperature and saw that it had reached more than 20 degrees below zero.

Fortunately, Liu Chen and the others were all evolvers, and their evolutionary levels were not low. They also put on protective clothing first, so even though the temperature was low, the impact was not too big.

Turning on the lighting equipment, Liu Chen and the others quickly landed on the ground.

After seeing the situation around them clearly, several people couldn't help but take a breath.

Just as they guessed the worst outcome, the nearly twenty-meter-deep foothold discovered by geological experts and technicians was not the bottom of the large hole, but just a huge stone, about ten meters in diameter. It looks pretty flat.

And around this boulder, there was still an endless darkness, just like the huge mouth of the monster, waiting to swallow them up.

This place doesn't look like it was formed naturally, but more like it was built.

Xiaoying squatted down, carefully observed the boulder, and then came to his own conclusion.

Liu Chen and Zhao Wuliang also went over to take a look and found that there were many patterns on the boulder. Although many of the patterns began to be blurred due to the age, they could still vaguely see that they were not It is a naturally formed pattern, but it is artificially carved.

But none of them could tell what the content was.

Brother Zhao, you must have stayed here the longest. Have you heard of any legends here before? Liu Chen thought for a while and asked.

This question stopped Zhao Wuliang in his tracks. He frowned and thought for a long time, and finally just said: Brother Liu, aren't you a native of Jincheng? You should know more than me, right?

Liu Chen shook his head and said: It's true that I am a local, and I have heard many local legends, but none about this place.

The location of Gathering Area No. 1 is a former military garrison, which is an important military area. It is impossible for ordinary people to come in. Only the people inside can understand the situation.

But Wei Renxiong didn't mention this just now, so I don't know if he knows anything about it.

Before the end of the world, Wei Renxiong was a colonel officer. Although his military rank was not very high, it was definitely not low either. He must have known more than Zhao Wuliang.

It's a pity that the radiation energy in this big hole is too strong, and the communication equipment that was finally restored lost its effect again, making it impossible for them to contact the top.

In desperation, Zhao Wuliang could only send an evolver who came down with him to climb up first and report the situation here to see if he could learn some useful information.

And the few of them did not continue to go deeper immediately, but carefully explored the nearby area to see if they could find any valuable clues.

After more than an hour passed, the evolved person who was sent came back again and brought some very bad news to Liu Chen and the others...

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