Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 114 Liu Qi

The place where that person was was not locked in a cell as Liu Chen imagined, even though the largest number of cells in the No. 2 gathering place were cells.

His residence is in a very quiet and remote small courtyard. The environment is very quiet. There are many vegetables planted inside and there are several vines. It doesn't look like he is imprisoned, but more like a retreat.

And along the way, Liu Chen discovered that compared to the somewhat chaotic gathering place No. 1, the order and environment of gathering place No. 2 were obviously better, and the number of survivors was obviously more, and most of them were They are ordinary people.

However, the complexion of these ordinary survivors did not look very good. They were all sallow, thin, and listless, and there was not much sparkle in their eyes. They looked like zombies.

There is no way, now everyone knows that the No. 1 Gathering Area is very strict about accepting ordinary survivors, so people can only flock to the No. 2 Gathering Area. Although the order will not be chaotic for the time being, the problem of food shortage has become worse. It's getting more serious.

Currently, all Gathering Point No. 2 can do is try to maintain the lives of these ordinary survivors and prevent them from starving to death.

As for eating enough, that's basically impossible.

In fact, there is a large grain depot nearby, which contains a lot of food. Although no one knows the exact amount, it should not be a problem to feed everyone in the two gathering places for a long time.

Most of the survivors actually came to the gathering place because of the existence of this grain depot.

Because they feel that there is no shortage of food here at the gathering place.

What I didn't expect was that, for some unknown reason, the gathering place never opened the grain depot, which led to the current lack of food.

Captain Li, why didn't the gathering place transport the food from the grain depot? Liu Chen finally couldn't help asking before entering the small courtyard.

Li Feng's face changed slightly when he heard this, and then he said with a wry smile: I don't know anything about this kind of thing. Brother Liu should ask Colonel Wei when he has the chance.

Do you really don’t know, or do you just don’t want to tell?

Liu Chen took a careful look at Li Feng and guessed that the latter was more likely.

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded.

You don't need to ask Wei Renxiong, I can tell you.

Following the sound, a man emerged from under the vines in the yard and said as he walked.

It was a man with a slim build and elegant appearance, about fifty years old, with a rich purple light in his eyes. He was actually a peak F-class evolver.

And looking at how rich it is, I'm afraid it's only one step away from E-level.

There are actually evolvers with such a high evolutionary level in the gathering place?

Liu Chen was a little shocked when he saw Captain Li Feng respectfully perform a military salute

It was indeed the legendary one, but this level of evolution was too astonishing.

Liu Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he nodded and said, Hello, I'm Liu Chen. Colonel Wei asked me to come over and ask you something.

Come in and talk. I just made a pot of good tea. Xiaoliu, you are in for a treat today.

He smiled, then turned and walked towards a stone table in the courtyard.

Brother Liu, I have other things to be busy with, so I won't stay with you here. Li Feng said with a smile.

Wei Renxiong's handwritten order did not require Li Feng to accompany the entire conversation, which meant that he was not required to be here. As an old man who had followed Wei Renxiong for many years, he naturally knew the temper of his boss and forced him to stay here. On the contrary, it will make the other party unhappy.

And as one of the officers responsible for guarding, Li Feng knew better than anyone how powerful this person was at brainwashing people. Although he didn't agree with what the other party said in his heart, it was always a good thing to listen less.

If one day the brainwashing succeeds, it will be a huge disaster.

Naturally, Liu Chen would not try to persuade him to stay. He nodded and watched Li Feng off before stepping into the courtyard.

The curiosity in his heart was getting stronger and stronger now. It was rumored by the outside world that Wei Renxiong had been secretly killed. Even if he was not killed, he must have been crippled and imprisoned.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all. Not only is it fine, but staying here does not feel like being imprisoned at all, because there is not even a guard nearby, but it feels more like staying here voluntarily.

It's strange why there's no one around to watch over me, right?

Seeing Liu Chen looking around, he asked with a smile.

Yes, there are rumors in the outside world that you were imprisoned by Colonel Wei... Liu Chen told the truth.

Whether it is Wei Renxiong or the person in front of him, Liu Chen is far from comparable in terms of city government and scheming, so in many cases not concealing his thoughts will have good results.

Haha, if I want to leave, Wei Renxiong can only stop me if he puts all the troops in the No. 2 Gathering Area here. But in that case, Wei Renxiong cannot afford the consequences and the price. So he I might as well choose the smartest way, send no one, and use other means to imprison myself here. He said with a faint smile.

So that's it... Liu Chen suddenly realized.

These words are not bragging. With his current evolutionary level, even the two peak F-level guards around Wei Renxiong are far from rivals, let alone others.

But Liu Chen didn't ask what kind of methods Wei Renxiong used. They must have been some shady things.

Drink some tea. It's not easy to get good tea in this world. This is the aged Pu'er that I have treasured for many years and have never been willing to drink. How do you like it? He poured it for Liu Chen with a smile and continued. , Actually, I already know exactly what question Wei Renxiong asked you to ask me. It's just the same old thing. Let's not talk about that today.

...You just refused to answer the question before you even asked it?

Liu Chen was a little dumbfounded, and finally realized that Wei Renxiong was right on at least one point.

This one was much more difficult to deal with than he thought.

Not a radical fanatic at all, but more like an extremely sophisticated politician.

As soon as the conversation started, Liu Chen obviously fell into the rhythm of the other party.

However, for Liu Chen, he may not be good at controlling the rhythm, but he is still somewhat good at destroying the rhythm.

So, before he could speak again, Liu Chen suddenly stood up and said, I just thought that my dog ​​has not been fed yet, so I have to leave first.

After saying that, Liu Chen stood up and left without any hesitation.

Seeing this scene, it was my turn to be dumbfounded. I didn't know how to respond for a while. I opened and closed my lips for a long time before shouting: Little brother, please stay...

Liu Chen secretly laughed in his heart, stopped and turned around, only to see the man with a bitter smile on his face: I, Liu Qi, have also lived for more than fifty years, but this is the first time I have seen someone like my little brother. It is really extraordinary...

Liu Qi? This name... sounds familiar...

When he finally announced his name, Liu Chen was startled for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed and he exclaimed in disbelief: You are Liu Qi!

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