Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 111 Evolutionary Background

A feast to welcome the wind can be regarded as a feast for both the host and the guest.

After Wei Renxiong said those words, he stopped talking about this aspect. Instead, he asked about the situation of the gathering place in Shencheng and what happened to Liu Chen on his way back.

During this period, I also asked about the super evolved person who used a harpoon as a weapon.

But compared to Zhao Wuliang, Wei Renxiong obviously knew more information.

After all, the identity gap between the two lies there.

Zhao Wuliang is indeed the number one figure in the Jincheng gathering place, but he is still far inferior to the real leader of the gathering place.

The super-evolved man is looking for a piece of top-secret information, and judging from the information we have now, it seems that the top-secret information is in a special USB flash drive... Wei Renxiong took a sip of wine and said.

Top secret information?

Hearing the word U disk, Liu Chen's heart suddenly thumped, and he instantly thought of the U disk with a strange logo that he dug out from the corpse of the God Gene Evolver.

Is there some kind of relationship between the two?

Could that super-evolved person with the harpoon as a weapon be sent by the God Gene?

Calculating the time, it seems that this is really possible, because the time when the super evolver appeared was obviously not long after Liu Chen killed the future overlord of Tianshen Gene.

Moreover, the place where he appeared happened to be on Liu Chen's way back to his hometown in the north from Shencheng.

It seems reasonable to say that there is a relationship between them.

However, the super evolver probably didn't know that the USB flash drive was on Liu Chen's body. Otherwise, judging from the route at that time, there was a complete chance of intercepting Liu Chen before he returned to his hometown in the north.

Wei Renxiong did not notice anything strange about Liu Chen this time, and continued: I don't know exactly what top-secret information it is, but there is nothing to worry about. He is just an E-level evolver. If he dares to come to the Jincheng gathering place to cause trouble, There will definitely be no way for him to come back!”

Speaking of this, Wei Renxiong paused and said with a smile: At this stage, although the number of E-level evolvers is extremely rare, that guy is not the only one. There are still many ways to deal with creatures of this evolutionary level.

Liu Chen's heart moved, and he asked pretending to be curious: From what Uncle Wei meant by these words, could it be possible that he also knows about other E-level evolvers?

Since evolving to E-level, Liu Chen has rarely shown his true evolutionary level, and those who have seen his E-level strength are now dead without exception, so the other E-level evolvers Wei Renxiong mentioned , logically it should have nothing to do with him.

Sure enough, Wei Renxiong smiled and said: China has a vast land and rich resources, and its population is the largest in the world. Even if it encounters the apocalypse, the surviving population will still be the largest in the world. And as long as there are more people, the chance of high-level evolutionaries appearing will naturally be greater. Point. However, if you want to evolve to E-level at the current stage, you can't do it just by relying on talent, you also need real foundation.

After taking a sip of wine, Wei Renxiong continued: The only people with this kind of background are the mysterious families who had strong strength before the end of the world, but their numbers are still rare. I guess there are only E-level evolvers in the entire world. , there won’t be more than ten people at most, maybe not even five.”

Since it was not him he was talking about, Liu Chen naturally felt relieved and asked even more curiously: Uncle Wei, what is the so-called background of those mysterious families?

At this time, Liu Chen's curiosity was not disguised, but came from the heart.

He had heard about the underlying information in his previous life, but his evolutionary level at that time was too low, his status was at the bottom, and he was far from qualified to understand such secret information.

Wei Renxiong pondered for a moment and said: Information... To be honest, I won't hide it from you. I don't know much about it. After all, you know that my military rank is far from high before the end of the world. But it must have something to do with evolution. I heard that some mysterious families and powerful forces have begun to explore the mysteries of evolution before the end of the world, but I don’t know whether it is true or not.”

Have you started studying these before the end of the world?

Liu Chen exclaimed, and then couldn't help but make a very bold guess: His grandma, isn't that kind of guy responsible for the apocalypse?

Wei Renxiong couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and shook his head: Of course not, let alone saying that they don't have that kind of ability at all. Even if they did, they wouldn't do such things that go against the harmony of nature and harm others and self-interest. Because the end of the world is coming. , for them, they have lost more than ordinary people. Wealth, power, and so on. They are already at the top of the pyramid, how can they knock themselves down to earth.

That's true...

Liu Chen did not ask Wei Renxiong why he did not take E-level evolvers seriously, because he knew better than others that at the current stage, E-level evolvers were at the top of evolution, but in the last days of the previous life, E-levels are also low-level evolvers, and there are too many ways to kill them.

After talking about this topic, the two chatted about other things, and then Wei Renxiong suddenly asked inadvertently: Did Zhao Wuliang treat you to a drink at noon today?

Yes, I drank a little. Liu Chen's heart trembled slightly.

Well, that guy is actually pretty good, but some things are a bit too paranoid.

Wei Renxiong sighed, and then said: Did he let you have time to visit the No. 2 gathering place?

That's right. Liu Chen didn't hide anything.

Although there weren't many people in the tavern at the time, Wei Renxiong's control over Gathering No. 1 meant that no matter what happened, it was hard for him to escape his ears.

Lying is even more meaningless.

Then do you want to go? And help your Uncle Wei do something by the way? Wei Renxiong didn't have any displeasure on his face, but smiled.

Liu Chen was a little confused: What are you doing?

Wei Renxiong put away his smile. A trace of nostalgia first flashed in his eyes, and then turned calm. He said calmly: Go to meet a person for me and ask him a few questions for me...

After speaking, Wei Renxiong paused and continued: Are you wondering why I don't go by myself?

Without waiting for Liu Chen's answer, Wei Renxiong said again: The reason is very simple. He doesn't want to see me, and I don't really want to see him, so it's most appropriate to find a middleman. And after thinking about it, I think you are better than others. All are more suitable. What do you think? Are you interested in helping me with this? Of course, you can refuse, I won’t blame you.

Liu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly and he said in a deep voice: Could it be that the person Uncle Wei asked me to meet is...

Before Liu Chen finished speaking, Wei Renxiong nodded and sighed: You are right, he is the general who others said I had taken power from, and he was the leader of the Jincheng gathering place...

The second chapter is here, please continue to support me~ These days Mad Cow is preparing to go to the south to celebrate the New Year. Because it will take several days on the road, the update can only guarantee two chapters a day. After the south stabilizes, we will try to break out a little bit to thank everyone for their support.

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