Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 108 Rhetoric

Brother Liu is a smart man. You don't need to understand many things that I said, right? Zhao Wuliang took a sip of wine and said with a smile.

Liu Chen shook his head and said: Brother Zhao must also know that I just arrived here yesterday, and now I don't even know what is in the gathering place, let alone any philosophical issues.

Okay! Then I'll just tell you.

Faced with Liu Chen's refusal to accept the move, Zhao Wuliang was not annoyed, but said directly: Colonel Wei's concept of the gathering place is that evolutionaries come first, while other ordinary survivors all serve the evolutionaries. Extended , that is, the status of evolvers in the gathering place is much higher than that of ordinary survivors. They are privileged existences and can override ordinary survivors in many things. To put it nicely, it is the relationship between feudal lords and tenant farmers. To put it more seriously, it is even the relationship between slave owners and slaves!”

This is all about restoring the extinct feudal system and slavery. Brother Liu, don't you think this is a retrogression of civilization? We have worked hard to eliminate those privileged systems for so many years, but now we have to restore them, Brother Liu Don’t you think this is a big joke?” Zhao Wuliang became more and more excited as he spoke.

So this is what Brother Zhao said...

Liu Chen deliberately showed an expression of surprise, and then said with a wry smile: Brother Zhao, don't you think I am asking the wrong person this question? I am also one of the evolvers, and this concept must be of great importance. Are some of the evolutionaries supportive?

Zhao Wuliang shook his head and said: Other evolvers are other evolvers. I think Brother Liu is definitely different from those vulgar people, so I want to hear your opinion.

Well, although this is indeed a big compliment, I still want to ask Brother Zhao, you and I just met by chance and are not familiar with each other. How do you know that I am different from others? Liu Chen asked with a smile. road.

It's very simple, just because you saved the little boy who was an ordinary person near the entrance of the gathering place yesterday.

Zhao Wuliang said categorically: I was nearby at the time and happened to see that scene. If Brother Liu hadn't taken action at the critical moment, with that cold-blooded thing Wang San, he would have definitely watched those ordinary survivors die on the spot. !”

...I think anyone with a clear conscience will do this kind of thing. Even if I wasn't there at the time, Brother Chen would definitely try his best to save those people. Isn't that Brother Chen? Liu Chen looked at Chen Lei and asked road.

That's right! If you don't save someone at the risk of death, especially for such a young child, what's the difference between that and a beast! Chen Lei nodded heavily.

What Brother Chen said is great! It seems that Brother Chen definitely disagrees with Colonel Wei's ideas, right? Zhao Wuliang applauded and praised.

Well... I'm just talking about saving people. I don't understand other things. I'm naturally stupid. Chen Lei scratched his head and laughed.

Although this guy belongs to the category with a strong sense of justice, he is definitely not stupid. Such words that clearly oppose the leader of the gathering place are naturally impossible to say in front of an outsider like Zhao Wuliang.

Brother Chen... you are so humble.

Zhao Wuliang was obviously choked at this moment. He couldn't say a series of words that were already on his lips. He could only raise his glass with some embarrassment and said: Come on, let's not just talk. , it’s a rare opportunity to have free time, so drink more.”

Both Liu Chen and Chen Lei avoided talking about Wei Renxiong's ideological issues, which made the atmosphere obviously a little subtle. However, Zhao Wuliang was indeed a person. After seeing this, he stopped mentioning it and instead talked about evil ghosts. When the matter with the mutated beast came up, they frequently toasted to drink, and soon the atmosphere became harmonious again.

Chen Lei had a bold temperament and almost drank until his glass was dry. Although his drinking capacity was obviously quite large, he started to feel a little tipsy later on.

Zhao Wuliang was so drunk that his head was red and his face was swollen, his tongue was starting to get a little big, and he looked like he was on the verge of being drunk.

However, Liu Chen noticed that Zhao Wuliang's eyes were still very sober, which was completely different from Chen Lei, whose eyes were starting to look a little straight. It was obvious that the so-called drunkenness was just disguised.

This made Liu Chen more and more wary of him, but he also knew he couldn't drink any more.

He didn't have anything to do, but Chen Lei would definitely be unable to bear the urge to get drunk. If he said something then, it would undoubtedly be trouble.

And Zhao Wuliang's purpose was obviously for this.

Therefore, Liu Chen stopped Zhao Wuliang from opening another bottle of wine and said with a smile: Brother Zhao, today is almost over. Brother Chen and I still have some things to do. Thank you for the banquet today. We can wait for you another day. I’ll invite you back, and then we’ll have a nice drunken time.”

Ah I……

Chen Lei, who was drunk, subconsciously wanted to ask Liu Chen what was going on for a while, but then he saw the look in Liu Chen's direction, and he suddenly sobered up a lot. He nodded quickly and said, Brother Liu is right. , let’s stop here today, let’s have a good drink next time, and I’ll be the host then. Thank you Brother Zhao for today.”

Forget it, although it is true that when you meet a close friend, a thousand cups of wine is too little, but the world is different now, and you really can't drink until you can't bear it. In any case, I, Zhao Wuliang, am very happy to meet the two brothers today, and I hope that starting from today After that, we truly became friends, and we helped each other and supported each other with everything. Brother Liu, do you think this should be the case?

Zhao Wuliang did not continue to insist, he just laughed and said.

Of course, as long as I, Mr. Liu, can do whatever I can, I will never refuse. Liu Chen smiled and nodded.

As long as Brother Zhao thinks highly of me, Chen Lei, it's my duty to do so! Chen Lei also patted his chest.

Okay! That's it for today. Wherever you want to go, I'll take you there. Zhao Wuliang stood up unsteadily and said.

Liu Chen shook his head and said, No, it's not far away. Brother Chen and I can just walk over and sober up.

Okay! If anything happens in the future, you can go to Area C to find me. I'll be there most of the time.

Zhao Wuliang did not force himself, but when he walked to the door, he suddenly stopped, took a deep look at Liu Chen and said, Brother Liu, I think you might as well go to No. 2 when you have time in the future. If you take a look at the gathering place, you may gain something different.

After saying that, before Liu Chen could speak, Zhao Wuliang laughed loudly and walked out of the door.

Brother Liu, what did Brother Zhao mean when he said before leaving?

Chen Lei asked confused as he watched Zhao Wuliang get into the car and leave.

Liu Chen said calmly: Zhao Wuliang is not simple. I guess he should be the major general. So if Brother Chen you still want to stay well in Jincheng gathering place, you'd better not get too close to this person. .”

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