Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 106 Meeting the Parents

Routine inspection.

A second lieutenant walked nearby, looked at Liu Chen who was getting out of the car and said coldly.

Liu Chen frowned and said, It's not necessary. I already registered and checked yesterday, and I just went out and came back not long ago.

Although Wei Renxiong already knew about the mutated plants and the alloy sword, Liu Chen did not want to make it known to everyone in the entire gathering place, as that would lead to many unexpected changes and unknown dangers.

Because in the apocalypse, these two are the treasures that the two of them are jealous of, and I am afraid that no evolver will not be tempted.

This is the rule of the gathering place. No one will stop you or take care of you when you go out. But if you come back and want to enter the gathering place, you have to register again for inspection. Please cooperate honestly.

The second lieutenant was not moved at all. Instead, he raised the rifle in his hand. The threat was self-evident.

Liu Chen was helpless, and just when he was about to reveal his relationship with Wei Renxiong, a familiar voice suddenly sounded nearby.

Isn't this Brother Liu? He's back so soon. Xiao Liu, this is one of our own. No need to check. Just let him in.

Following the sound, a heroic-looking lieutenant officer walked over with a smile, but it turned out to be Zhao Wuliang, whom Liu Chen had met not long ago.


Zhao Wuliang's status in the gathering place was obviously not low. The second lieutenant gave a military salute and, as expected, said nothing more and motioned to his soldiers to let him go.

Thank you, Brother Zhao.

Liu Chen thanked the other party sincerely this time. After all, it was a bit inappropriate to show off his relationship with Wei Renxiong over such a trivial matter.

Moreover, it was impossible for Liu Chen to believe the second lieutenant as soon as he said it. He had to ask Wei Renxiong for instructions. If he didn't say it again and again, it would waste time and the matter would become bigger.

But being too eye-catching has never been Liu Chen's interest.

Brother Liu, your car...

Zhao Wuliang walked to the side of the chariot, looked at it, and then suddenly said.

Liu Chen couldn't help but feel nervous when he heard this, but his expression remained unchanged. He smiled and said, What's wrong with the car?

This car is really dirty. We are currently not short of water in our gathering place. You should go find someone to clean it properly when you are free. Otherwise, it will not be worthy of your brother Liu's strength. Zhao Wuliang shook his head and said.

Liu Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said with a wry smile: There is no way. There are too many monsters out there now. It is not difficult to find a car, but it is a bit difficult to keep it clean.

That's true.

Zhao Wuliang nodded and said: It's not easy to live in this world anymore. How can you care about whether the car is dirty or not? Forget it, let's not mention these unhappy things. Brother Liu is finished now, let's go How many drinks can we have and have a nice chat?”

After saying that, as if he was afraid that Liu Chen would refuse again, Zhao Wuliang said again: I just happen to know where your friend Brother Chen is now. I will send someone to pick him up.

...Okay, Brother Zhao's kindness is hard to refuse. I would be disrespectful if I refused again. But I have to go back first and send the car over. Liu Chen pondered for a moment and said with a smile.

To be honest, he really didn't want to have too much contact with this Zhao Wuliang, because he always felt that this person seemed to have some purpose that he couldn't see through.

But I had just done a favor and invited him over and over again, so it would be too much to not go.

Liu Chen was not afraid of offending the other party. Zhao Wuliang's evolutionary level was not taken seriously by him, but it was not a good thing to have an enemy who was difficult to deal with out of nowhere.

No problem, you're going to Area B, right? I'll ask a brother to follow you in a car so that I can bring you back so that you don't have to walk and don't know where you are. Zhao Wuliang nodded with a smile.

Liu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard this. The other party actually knew where his parents lived, so naturally he should also know his identity.

It seemed that Zhao Wuliang found him not accidentally, but indeed had other purposes.


Liu Chen sneered in his heart, but did not refuse. He simply nodded and agreed.

Whether it's because the person here is evil or something else, since you can't escape, you might as well just wait and take the attack.

Soon, Liu Chen drove the chariot to the small courtyard where his parents now lived.

After letting Chen Yu and Liu Xiner get out of the car, Liu Chen did not rush into the house. Instead, he found a flowerpot in the yard, transplanted the mutated fire spirit fruit in the trunk into it, and then put it in Inside the front compartment.

Without the big black dog general guarding this place, Liu Chen would not dare to put a mutated plant outside, as it would be easily stolen.

But it was different inside the chariot. Except for him, no one had the authority to open the chariot, not even Chen Yu and Liu Xiner.

This is my father and my mother, this is Chen Yu, Liu Xiner...

After entering the house with two girls, one older and one younger, who were obviously a little nervous, Liu Chen gave a brief introduction to both parties.

Hello, uncle and aunt...

Even though Chen Yu had already practiced a lot in this period, he was still a little nervous at this time, and his pretty face was even redder.

Because a thought suddenly came to her, was this the legendary thing about taking someone home to meet their parents?

Hello, grandparents...

Liu Xin'er didn't come out, but this little girl was obviously downgraded. She called Liu Chen her brother and called Liu Chen's parents grandparents, instantly dragging Liu Chen down a generation.

So Liu Chen could only have a black line on his forehead and quickly corrected Liu Xiner.

Liu Chen's parents obviously didn't expect that after their son went out, he would bring back two beautiful girls.

Liu Xin'er was a bit small, but she looked like a doll. She was extremely cute and had a sweet mouth. She immediately made Liu's father and mother Liu, who had been looking forward to grandchildren, very fond of her. In the end, she was stunned and forced Liu Chen to let Liu Xin I will call them that from now on.

As for the question of whether they are of different generations or not, we can just talk about each generation. Liu Xiner has no blood relationship with them anyway.

Your name is Xiao Yu. It's a nice name, and you look pretty. How old are you this year? Do you know your birthday...

Compared with Liu Xiner's pure love, Liu's mother was obviously more concerned about Chen Yu. She held hands and kept asking questions. Looking at her posture, it was obvious that she regarded Chen Yu as her prospective daughter-in-law.

This made Chen Yu's pretty face turn red with embarrassment. She lowered her head and didn't dare to raise it again. Her voice also became like a mosquito. If Liu's father and Liu's mother weren't still in the stage of hearing and seeing, they might not be able to hear this girl clearly. What are you saying.

Mom, it's not what you imagined...

Just as Liu Chen was about to explain, Liu's mother glared at him and shouted, What do you know? Just play while we are here to communicate our feelings.

Liu Chen had no choice but to escape from here in a hurry. After telling his parents that he wanted to meet a friend for dinner and drinks, he quickly walked out of the house, got into the car sent by Zhao Wuliang, and went to the banquet.

There was a tavern inside the gathering place, and that was where Zhao Wuliang chose.

Although the area is not large, private rooms and tables are all available.

When Liu Chen arrived, Zhao Wuliang and Chen Lei had been waiting for him in the private room for a while, and the food and drinks had been prepared.

Brother Liu, Brother Chen, since we are all sitting together, we are friends. Don't be polite to me. Let's get drunk today. Zhao Wuliang stood up to greet Liu Chen and said with a smile.

After exchanging a few words, the three of them sat down and started eating and drinking.

The dishes are very ordinary, and they are all those that were common before the apocalypse, but this is already considered an out-and-out delicacy in the apocalypse.

The wine was quite good. The Maotai stored in the cellar was obviously not from the tavern, but was brought by Zhao Wuliang himself.

After drinking for three rounds, Zhao Wuliang was obviously a little drunk, his face turned red, and he stopped rambling. He suddenly looked at Liu Chen and asked: I invited Brother Liu to drink today. I came here to make friends with Brother Liu. Secondly, this friend also wants to ask Brother Liu about something, and I wonder if Brother Liu would be able to tell me.

The topic is finally here.

Liu Chen's heart moved and he smiled and said, Brother Zhao, it doesn't matter if you say so.

Okay, then I'll just tell you.

Zhao Wuliang nodded and said, I heard that Brother Liu came all the way back from the south. Did you see an evolved person who used a harpoon as a weapon on the way?

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