493Chapter Lucky

493Chapter Lucky

Chu Tian laughed and said to him, “Geng Yuqin is my woman, a woman who wants to hurt me, why do you?”

Ian and the others did not speak.

No one in the Ye family is optimistic about Chu Tian, but the situation is different. Of course, I hope Ying Ying is safe.

I hope Chu Tian will really help – Inin to escape the bandits.

“You’re playing with fire.

As the face changes, it – becomes darker and darker.

The boy who still stinks shocked the Tang family, but all four saw it.

Mysterious and powerful.

My heart was helpless, even angry. So far, Linduan does not know where Chu Tian came from.

A mysterious and powerful person will never die, nor will he commit suicide.

As a Lin family, Lin Chen must of course consider the family.

Family benefits are better than anything else.

“Lin Chen, you deal with Ye Jie. Is this just about the deaths of Lin Mu and Lin Feng related to Ye Jie?”

The silence means approval.

Lin Geng Yu Qin, buried Lin Mu, either wind or Lin, the death of Lin Dust Chu Tian and Du Yu Qin, his two sons.

I’ll tell you the truth now.

“Sister Shen.”

Chu Tian held up his hand and laughed: “Yes, this issue is none of your business, it’s all up to me. Why should you tell me this explanation? What do you think?

Hearing this news, many of them already guessed what was happening. Choudhurst’s face was not only getting more and more, but also Ye’s face was getting darker and darker.

It’s all thanks to Chu Tian.

My daughter turned out to be just someone else’s black pot that was trying to destroy her.

But in this case, even if Ye Anxin’s anger is not removed, he does not want to provoke Chu Tian, so if Chu Tian disappears, Lin Chen will see how he and his family will be when the target shifts to his family Can you resist?

” Chu Tian, are you going to kill my two sons?”

“Yes, it’s me.

When Lin Chen could not bear it, immediately he thought of the mysterious power behind Chu Tian, and finally endured it. He had to endure.

People usually respect the words of the mysterious strong man, because Linduan is very Qinglin, he said the mysterious strong man will not intervene in this issue after a month, and definitely will not intervene.

“Limu betrayed his people. There is a long death. Everyone must swear. For Lin Feng, it was the temptation of his sin that provoked me. Because the dead man is me, there is no trace in this matter, Ye Ji, the murderer you are looking for is me, not Ye Jie.”

…… request flowers…0

“Chang Ziyu, you have silenced me, you are not qualified to talk to me”

Zhang Jiyu’s face instantly froze up, as the head of the Lin family, the soul of the king of warriors, who would do this to him?

Chun Chen put his hand on a block to stop Zhang Jiyu, said calmly. This is also very humorous.

“Even if I use the power of the forest kingdom, I will leave. I will not find the trail.

Lin dust very clear Lin Chu Tian meaning, as long as Chu Tian deliberately hidden, he would like to find Chu Tian in a sea of people. It is just a sea needle.

Chu Tian has spoken. “Chen Chen Chen, just make sure that he, there will be no one in Yesia, including Yayi. Will you break up with Chu’s family within a year?”

“No problem, let’s decide, let’s go.

There are two sons, so Chu Tian killed, so the rain rained, Choudhurst does not look down, Ye family life and death. Power,

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