Chapter 157: The plan to hunt the zombies! (More 4begging for everything!)

Looking at the densely packed zombies in the arena, Chu Tian gradually two eyes shine.

Inside the arena, there must be at least several thousand zombies!

These zombies, but all of them are the material for the evolution of Kidola!

However, what makes Chu Tian strange is that even though he opened the door of the performing arts center, the zombies inside did not come out when they saw him.


Until a walker in the center of the stage tore out a roar

These zombies, before all a brain surge towards themselves.

“Kidola, go!”

At Chu Tian’s command, Kidola flapped her wings and flew to Chu Tian.

Now the Kidola, devouring zombies do not even need to kill and then devour.

Aiming directly at the head of the zombie, the dragon heads on both sides opened their mouths, and the moment the zombie’s head touched it, it separated from the body and was then swallowed up by the Kidola.

It can devour several zombies in one second.

Plus the door to the arena, which was only a small space, the zombie horde could only squeeze through there.

It led to, as it were, a dense mass of walkers lined up to be sent into the mouth of the Kidola.

None of them could reach Chu Tian.

“Kidola, the crystal core you also directly swallowed, no need to leave it to me!”

Right now, the crystal cores of ordinary zombies are no longer very useful for Chu Tian to break free from his genetic locks.

Of course, you can also rely on the number of piles up, but then you need a huge amount of ordinary crystal cores.

Might as well use it to add energy to Kidola.

Chu Tian’s goal is to take center stage.

Above stood three walkers and did not come with the herd of walkers.

The walker at the end is the one who just roared and launched the attack order.

“System, scan!”

[Once a mutant zombie][Once a mutant zombie][Secondary mutant zombie]

Ability: zombie lord, scale armor body protection


“Three mutant zombies, all with the two supernatural abilities of zombie lord and scale armor body protection ……”

Chu Tian mused, “Could it be that these two supernatural abilities are standard for mutant zombies? But in that case ……”

The idea gradually came to his mind.

You can not kill this mutant zombie first, directly caught, and then put in the city, let him attract a wave of zombies later, they come back to cut leeks.

It’s still a bit of a hassle, but it’s a lot easier than going after the walkers yourself.

The number of zombies in the arena was decreasing at a very fast rate.

However, still none of them were able to rush to the Kidola.

The doorway was already filled with dense piles of zombie bodies.


Eventually, the zombie in the center of the stage finally couldn’t hold back and let out another roar.

The two once-mutated zombies next to him acted instantly and rushed towards Chu Tian.

Their speed is much faster than that of ordinary zombies!

In almost an instant, he was in front of Chu Tian.

Then, the head was swallowed by Kidola in one bite.

Although they have scaled armor to protect their bodies, but the teeth of the Kidola, even steel can be chewed as chips, not to mention the flesh skin.

“Kidola, these two walkers, if they have crystal cores, leave them for me!”

The crystal nucleus of one mutant zombie is still useful for Chu Tian.

Seeing the scene of Kidola easily devouring the zombie, the zombie with the second mutation, actually took a step backwards.

“As I guessed, the mutant zombie will have intelligence, this zombie wants to run!”

Chu Tian hurriedly ordered, “Kidola, don’t let him get away, grab it, don’t eat it, and leave these ordinary walkers to me!”


The Kedora, who got Chu Tian’s order, chirped and rushed directly towards the mutant zombies.

Without Kidola’s block, the zombies in the arena instantly rushed out and stretched their sharp teeth towards Chu Tian.

Then Chu Tian cut off his head with a single stroke.

The second mutated zombie, seeing the Kidola attacking towards him, turned his form directly backwards and fled instantly backwards.

His speed, however, is too slow compared to that of Kidola.

Instantly caught by the claws of Kidola’s body, levitated into the air and fished in front of Chu Tian.

Nearly 10,000 zombies were destroyed by Chu Tian and Kidola within one hour!

“Haha, good haul this time! Kidola, let’s go!”

Kedora instantly turned into a three-to-four meter body, grasping the mutant zombie under his claws, with Chu Tian on his back, and flew in the direction of Chu Tian’s house at great speed.

“System, if a mutant zombie has no limbs, is the ability of zombie lord still valid?”

“Ding! Host, it does not affect!”


After receiving an affirmative answer, Chu Tian nodded in satisfaction and searched the map in his head, confirming that the bottom was a villa area and that it was some distance from the Fengquan district.

“Kidola, tear off the limbs of the walkers and throw them down!”

PS: Here comes the fourth shift, and two more!

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