472Chapter decided to check out

472Chapter decided to explore the mountains

They do this line of work is the most important for the patient, and has appeared he said these out, really also because can not stand, so there is no way, otherwise he is really not able to say out, and said out, if it is spread out, his consistent reputation is certainly ruined, so of course is to be instructed a sentence,

“Of course, since the boss believes in us so well, we certainly can not drop the chain,” Liu Qing smiled, in fact, the heart is still thinking,

This kind of thing to say is actually nothing, no one will have so much time, because of this sentence on the mouth, in fact, there is not much need, so if this is the case, they simply do not need to say this information out, say out to their benefits, and is only 160hearsay, where there is nothing credible really more.

“Alas, these things originally I can not say, really just because you just happened to meet this thing, otherwise I will not say it, after all, we are not that kind of unscrupulous store, I so, I am not convenient to say anything more, this lady is actually nothing big, you mainly then need to give her the medicine on time can, then you After taking the medicine so leave it,” the boss hit the breath, after saying these words and left.

After all, I am from here is such a reason, said more how do not know it, because you do not know young people you now in the end who is good, who is not good, so in this case, then we should try our best, and then they are not in danger, but also let their own words can be responsible, and then he so not too dangerous, not too sensitive again, so that is the most successful place for a person The ultimate story of a person is how much you have achieved, but in what you can do something good.

Seeing is his professional ethics, he saw the person’s illness, so the other things have nothing much to do with him.

So no matter what I still can’t promise, I really think in the end is not good enough to know, they like, other words they do not (cfca) want to say more, because once the wrong words, this will be a lifetime of things, he is not willing to put their own life and this kind of thing on the connection with it, and then I am ordinary some small things only, simply do not know their own life, So they have no need to do so while and this reached the purpose of leaving can also be.

PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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