470Chapter Inn Storm

470Chapter Inn Storm

On weekdays they have not seen these, but this section they have all seen, some of these conditions are how important, the reason they have not seen in the usual time is entirely because they have now seen has been considered more.

They have become more knowledgeable people, and now they have started to fish a lot of fish in this fishing boat, and now the fish have been very much, and this is just the peak season for fish fry.

But they do not like to get all those small fish also up, those small fish can still be completed to become a big fish, for the sake of the ecological environment, so they still hurry to put all those small fish 25up, this side of the big fish are eating, all of them to the boat.

Then kill to intend to eat fish today, anyway, they are thinking, this time they can only eat something on the spot.

After all, they are at sea, how can eat some of the things on the island, so want to know those things is also very not easy thing, only here to eat these food, and these entertainment.

That said, these are also quite normal, and now they are used to eating salmon, and some other fish.

Their favorite food is sashimi and other things such as sashimi, in fact, is not their place to have, but then, they also followed other people to learn, so they can now also make sashimi.

They just need to get some mustard or something on it, that’s how it can come, it looks very tasty, and obviously they like it.

Better is those caviar such things, those fish spines like, are they especially love to eat, eat well these things they will actually be willing, and sometimes they these people may not be able to eat such delicious, we can eat these delicious words, in fact, they feel very happy in their hearts.

But sometimes they may not be able to eat these delicious delicacies, if they can eat those delicious delicacies, compared to the previous, it is estimated that they will also be particularly excited, but sometimes they can really know these things, right, not just the previous they are now more suspicious of this aspect.

“Fortunately you now finally salvaged all these fish, otherwise I actually feel a little bit not in my heart, I blame me for the delay, you are here to salvage the fish.”


PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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