467Chapter Joke

467Chapter Joke

That said, they sometimes do not want these people cosmetic side of the joke with them, these joking techniques are actually no fun at all, these people always make them angry, and now they simply do not feel the presence of any laughs.

Because these people are originally in a bad taste to save them, in fact, this behavior is not at all like, in the usual reason why they did not turn their faces to finish is because of these special objective reasons, and the reason why they did not turn their faces with these people now, there are just a few reasons.

I’m not sure I would have talked to these people in the past, but now my tone of voice is not good at all, and I can see that these people’s cold words make me particularly angry, and now I want910 to go to all of these people to replace, but I do not have the courage to do so.

Before he had not thought about these issues, but now he thought of a very clear, there are times when I have not thought about it myself, but now they have thought about it quite thoroughly.

As long as everyone can get it right, there is actually nothing big bad chat, but sometimes they feel in their hearts that there are some problems, because some things for him originally is likely to cause some doubts, and they now think about these people if they do not let themselves be particularly doubtful, then (cfbj that is still good.

“The effect is really good, at least you really have shown is a lively atmosphere, but you have now really considered my feelings?

If you really think about it, you should know that now at this time I happen to be nap time, you should now hurry up and leave here, not as far as who should be here to say the words, I do not know, but I now hope that you now hurry up and leave here, or then I really will not necessarily be very polite to you”

Originally he looked at these people playful, originally did not want to get angry, but now it happens to be nap time, and now he is also woken up by these guys, said his heart simply can not be happy.

Can talk to these people calmly has been good, otherwise their own words in the past is really likely to explode foul mouth, fortunately they have now calmed down, but we are really not necessarily able to put this detail down, they are now not necessarily sleep it.

Usually inside themselves did not think of this.

PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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