465Chapter Goods

465Chapter Goods

“If you really have time to quarrel here, you might as well get to know the goods, I have the ship’s lighter cargo work do I have to do alone? You know the cargo here is very much, do you want me to this one person in here idle?

If you let me do the count alone, but then there are any mistakes, do not look for me to be responsible, because these things should have been done by you, if there are any omissions, do not look for me again.

Seeing the pair of recorded goods, he felt particularly angry in his heart, and the few people beside himself are here chirping and quarrelling, do not know what is quarrelling about the chicken25, anyway, is definitely not a particularly important thing to do.

If it is really important things, these people will not have lost their minds, they will always try to think, how to solve, but also seems that they discuss all the things that are particularly lonely sour skin, and they are here to make a lot of noise.

That said, has affected their own here to go to the goods, so here to sort out the goods has actually been considered relatively hard, after all, these jobs I really very much, if they do not go well to point a little, then when a slight oversight, then it will also be very large losses, plus just that businessman is still waiting here.

If he does not count this stuff, and then cooperate with this guy about the number, that time this businessman pitted himself how to do?

Anyway, this kind of treacherous business is also often go to the existence of, in addition to their own do not want to go, just the first1 time to let others see the scene of their own ship someone quarrel here this kind of thing is absolutely his heart does not want to see the urgent need is to maintain the image of their side, by the way do not let themselves eat this loss.

So now has begun to inventory goods, he now absolutely can not let the goods have any fatigue, in the previous he had suffered a loss, someone actually used the civet cat for a prince method, the rags in accordance with the price of good step to sell.

How to say let him also special angry, and those things all smashed in the hands, but then, he was in that rag is always feel special extra.

Because those cloths still actually have a fading kind of role, said in his eyes is also feel some helpless, did not expect there is this situation, the overall own heart has not thought there will be such a picture.

“Forget forget forget, our is really too fierce, some are forget these goods management work, sorry, sorry, then we also help to come together to lead the work, not normal words, we are also need to come to these things slightly to make up.”


PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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