463Chapter can not see

463Chapter can not see

Now you can see how serious these people are, these people do things very seriously ah, you can now see that these people are also no one like these, we do things together feeling, at least this feeling is really quite useful.

Before their own business has not thought about these things, but they can now see that these rivalries have presented the problem of their own interests at the time.

I hadn’t thought about this in normal times, but I am now very richly involved, and I am now willing to help with these people.

Because for him these should have been so, we came together to greatly hoot these things to get it done, then naturally there is nothing bad, sometimes to do a good job this thing is still relatively great, but sometimes do not do this thing is really not very good to say.

After seeing this, he felt quite happy in his heart, said he had not seen these in the past, and he now has a wonderful feeling, he likes the look of such a false success, but he really can not necessarily come together with everyone in the usual – things.

Anyway, they always experience these things in the past, that is, they feel a little difficult to imagine in their hearts.

He now really some puzzled, and now he also hope that these people can seriously some, at least do things really must be and their own come together to stand in the house, or else when things go wrong they are really not necessarily able to control well.

After doing this thing and then completely at ease, two days will not have a career thing, not their own slightly at ease is okay, but sometimes I am not very at ease.

So much so that their hearts are actually depressed, in addition to their own in the usual is not really and these people in this two words inside the explanation of all these problems, and sometimes they are in business when they think, perhaps these people’s wedding day inside not a lot.

Just their own in thinking particularly much, these people simply do not have so much bent, but he now found thinking more of themselves found that these people do not look so shiny and bright on the surface.

Some people look particularly shiny, actually very dark, and these people are always here to get themselves some, read up a month, they are a little inattentive words will likely be to a group, when they are really likely to eat a lot, and they now no longer want to go, so that they have suffered for nothing.

……… for flowers,

PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

It’s up,

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