461Chapter Guardians

461Chapter Guardians

What has offended the Wang family,

Or is he the city guardian where to do a bad job, did not manage the city well, so it does not deserve to get the invitation of the Wang family, but let me a good persuasion which is good down.”

Helplessly he said with a helpless face, looking a look of pity, almost did not cry out.

With this statement of the helpless him, the young woman is not able to refute him with her eloquent speech, but only smiled bitterly and explained to the helpless him awkwardly:

“This matter is our fault, I did 25not expect to cause such a great psychological damage to the city guardian, it seems that when the banquet is over, our Wang family is to make amends with the city guardian.

Just this time helpless he is not want to get involved in these things, then just a slight nod: “Since this, then this thing you can talk to the two of them after themselves, it is useless to talk to me, I just stay in their two homes.”

“I’ll take my sister and go in first, so I won’t bother you to greet the guests outside.”

Sincerely “I wish you a good time inside. “The young woman, with the intention of washing their hands of this one move of the Wang family, but helplessly he was not in the mood to accompany him.

Rao is a young woman, how helpless it is impossible to pull helpless him to stay here, so in addition to the polite send a sentence, other than he could not say anything.

See “uncle just that look? Wait to go in after treating those people surnamed Wang is to do like this, do not have to be polite with them. “Helplessly he came together in his sister’s ear, whispered teaching.

Sister also rare, did not sing against him, but instead is submissive nodded: “I know.”

Because helpless he had some small accidents on the way here, plus they came out originally dragged longer, even when he just arrived is also a young woman, temporarily received news from inside to run out to meet.

So except for those who were chilling with the young woman outside, but no one knew of the arrival of the helpless one.

This also allowed the hapless man to gain some temporary peace of mind.

“You haven’t eaten tonight, do you have anything you want to eat? Uncle will get it for you.”

I looked at my sister who was rather silent after coming in, and thought he was not used to this place, so I took him to a corner place and sat down before asking thoughtfully.

“I just passed by when I saw noodles over there, you help me get some over on the line, and you said it yourself, I want to call you brother, not uncle.


PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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