459Chapter not used to seeing

459Chapter not used to seeing

But also every time did not do it? What is the difference between such a person and himself? And also make a very wonderful look, let people look uncomfortable.

Liu Qing coldly said: “I will not do that kind of shameless pestering others stalking things, this kind of thing only those shameless people will do, I can’t do it, I’m not as disgusting as you say, I just want to tell you explicitly that the people here, you can’t afford, if you don’t believe it, you can go out with me to fight. ”

He never wanted to problem solving, but this time he is really very want to hit people, but here if you directly hit people, is also a bad influence on the restaurant, so if this person is a man, then a single fight with their own, he is a long time have not played a good person, see this person in the end can not ah? Say such nasty words, can help you make people nasty things.

In fact, this thing can not be blamed on him, only his Yan Shen is not very good this time, how it is transferred to the boss’s wife? If put in the past, this kind of thing will not be too much to manage, but put in now the boss is his friend, he must manage this thing, so can only say that this person is unlucky, the rest of the words they do not know how to say good.

“I don’t go out with you such a brainless person to fight alone, what I do is certainly not use you to say, if you do not have the ability, and the people really have is, but then, what makes me not able to pursue it?” Jiang tuned coldly said.

Although he really despises this person, think this person may be nothing powerful, but if according to me so confidently say this kind of words, in case he really has a need for me this kind of thing, himself will not take their own safety and he to do this bet, and they do not have to be so unreasonable people to say, they do their own things, what things need to be explained to others.

And is it not very normal for men to pursue women? Smoky also does not have a family, their pursuit of her is not against any morality, so no matter what, no one can stop themselves, there is no reason and you convince yourself.

Request flowers…

“If you say that men chase you, then I think you this is not you, your name is just harassment, and the boss lady said not to accept you, I think if I returned to you such behavior is no longer the pursuit, it is really just harassment of the behavior.

PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

It’s up,

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