456Chapter Bored

456Chapter Bored

He has never seen such a nasty person, actually keep flowing out like this, it is really very annoying, but the boss lady and there is nothing to do.

Liu Qing and Su Chusheng looked at each other, and then went downstairs together, which made Xiao Er feel very strange.

Downstairs, and Ah Yan and Yan Yu stood together, but the two girls’ faces were clearly very bad.

“This young master I have told you many times, no matter before or 25now, I told you very clearly, I do not want to see you, and you do not pester me words, but how do you time and again so ungrateful. “Smoke face is very bad, said, seems to be a little angry.

This kind of person why to live in this world, specifically to make others annoying to make others unhappy, has been here to make their own annoying things, really is a little bit to make people like the feeling is not.

Jiang Lan said on the opposite side: “boss lady and you this way, we can be friends, after all, I can bring you very big benefits, look between the two of us can not only talk about interests, but boss lady you so always look at me in the end because of what?”

He did not believe that he was so good a person would actually lose in the hands of this woman, even if how buried in his hands is too embarrassing, he felt it was impossible to be so abandoned.

“If it is said that like a person does not need a reason, then hate a person also does not need a reason, after all, there are not so many things in this world that have a reason as long as they do not want things, as long as they do not want things, that is not need a reason things, then you think now I this answer are okay? “A smoke coldly asked this.

Where there are so many can not like him, he has no reason to pester himself every day, this is a very bad thing, then they let him leave and how? How can he not understand the words can not?

It seems to be the easiest thing in this world to make people hate, you have no one so dislike you, you will always pester others, this is how ironic a thing, obviously the mouse does not like the cat, but the cat must also marry the mouse.

A lot of things are very reasonable, so he is now very willing to talk to these people about these topics.

After seeing this scene in front of them, a few of them hurried to take pictures, because he knows he must now leave evidence to do, so that down to be able to better to do the case.


PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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