451Chapter Wrongfully Accused

451Chapter Wrongfully Accused

A lot of things are not as simple as they think on the expression, we all want to be able to do things together seriously, otherwise it will not be easier to appear a lot of people are wronged, which is not what they want to see.

But now they are also personally to imagine, we can end to think this thing well, is not more likely to have some problems? They are still more useful in their hearts, we should get up, all these things to 25grasp, otherwise when things go wrong they are not necessarily able to grasp.

We “must stop them to do, otherwise when something happens this must not be said, and I can see that everyone should be quite anxious, this thing is also very anxious for me, if the time is really not good, then my heart is actually special, there are very actually in the face of these things always feel that there are many things have not been able to imagine, but I Now I also hope that you can seriously some to do this thing well, when in fact I can also give you some reward.

I hope that we can really help some help, I do not want to get some things, I also hope that we can clean up this house well, or when something happens, I actually can not feel particularly happy feeling inside the heart.”

Before this they have not thought, but this means they have thought very clearly, there is a real possibility of some accidents again, these are their hearts feel particularly painful, and now they have to go through, should have let me out to think about those.

If we do not think clearly, then, in fact, it is really likely to consider again some particularly big things to.

Before they did not think of these, but this time they all feel the need to come out to get some convenience, they put all these stones, and afraid of being others get the same.

They have started to set up something here, and they have started to set up some formations here, and also set up some organs here, just hope that those people do not come in again.

Usually they do not think about these, but this time they can see, it is necessary to think about, and they have begun to all these clothes are very neatly organized, they have begun to go here to organize some other things.

As for other things they are not worried, but they now need to worry about, if even these are not to think clearly, then when the time comes again some problems.


PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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