433Chapter Noisy

433Chapter Noisy

“How do I feel that the person who can not understand the words is you, I think I should be very clear, here the road is not open to you, I just ran into you, you really unreasonable I do not care, but you see first give you another chance you are still so ignorant, so I can not think that you are deliberately targeting me? Or what? Originally I was not willing to take it up with you, but you are too unaware of the human dimension. “Jiang called a kind of impatient tone said, looking at Liu Qing’s eyes inside are full of boredom,

He is really impressed, his first time is to give him a face but he still does not understand is, for690 their own good intentions not the slightest appreciation? If so, they really have nothing to say, originally they are not worse than him, he has no identity, and what qualifications and their own debate here.

I how to say that this world is this way, the weak are strong, the big one does not have a family, two no capital, why say so many words with themselves, rather than their own look at him is a friend of the boss’s wife, simply will not take care of, or directly find people to beat him up, but he still so do not understand yes, a person wants to do the escort, but also the least is to have the ability, otherwise it can just be a big joke. The joke is, in his opinion, this person is such, nothing, but also make like they are very powerful look.

“It seems that you finally can no longer hypocritical, revealing your original true face, in that case, we continue to talk later, in the end I am ruthless to you, or you pester my friend not to let go of this thing, I think you should be clearer than me, so I do not bother to pursue you those things, but I can tell you clearly, I will not be afraid of you, then you do not know that I am afraid, you should have a number in your own heart. I know I’m afraid, you should have a number in your own heart, to be frank, like you, I do not care to play you, but if you continue to pester the boss’s wife not to let go, I can not guarantee that I can not continue to see you smooth (cfbj) eyes.” Liu Qing also coldly said, he is also to hide their long time words to say out.

This person is really too annoying, in addition to a rich father and family, his own struggle down the power to have? If there is, then it is really quite rare, a person’s parents have something, and ultimately will not be you have, you have only their own you work hard to fight down something, that is your bragging capital, if you open your mouth is your father, your mother how, then if they die, you have who can say? Do not need to rely on their own hemp?

These people who do not grow a brain is certainly annoying, he relies on those things that they do not need, they only need themselves to fight the world.

Yan Yu said indifferently: “Don’t be common sense with him, his kind of people boss lady also can’t see, but it is a waste of time, he wasted a moment to know the difficulty and retreat, unnecessary waste of our mood.”

She understands the boss’s wife, so are also to say this kind of words, she does not want Liu Qing for this kind of people and angry, may be not worth the things, so it is of course to be soft, more than most of the people, also do this kind of things is not much sense.

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