423Chapter all waste

The first423 chapter is full of waste books

He can see that these are really quite fun, but they can now see the book inside or have to do a lot of things, the book has its own face, the book has its own gold house.

No, no, no, no, it is clear that this book does not have any content to think about themselves now after reading this book is particularly angry in the heart.

This makes yourself really special pain, and now you want to go to all these books to throw down, why this collection of books inside nothing, and you now want to go to understand some of these things, he now also hope that they can seriously some of these things to figure out.

He hopes that he can go through the books inside this collection of books, but he obviously found that these books690 are not useful, if you can not look at these things, then it is really likely that there will be some situation.

“Why are all the books here abandoned? What is the meaning of these books in the end? Can you find me a particularly suitable thing, if you get these words, then it will be considered good to say, but the meaning of this is obviously not very successful.

His heart don’t mention my stifled, now he also want to go to find a particularly suitable for their own things, which is still quite important to him, and now he wants to see these books in the end can not get some particularly useful, he does not believe that this collection of books inside actually a good book can not find.

If so, then the book collection pavilion is all some waste books, how can such a large room without some things inside it? And outside there are two particularly powerful elders living here, it is clear that the things inside should be some good, but they have not found it for the time being.

Makes sense” really makes sense, if we pay attention then, it really will not appear things, but I would now like to go to see in the end can still find some particularly good with the book, if I really ignore what then, it is really quite terrible.”

He could not help but say to the person beside himself, see (cfbj) to he also particularly concerned about this aspect of the situation, and their own special fear now, in short, for him these quite important.

He does not want this residual collection of books inside a little something, then what is the point of looking for looking for yourself here, only hope that you can find some more things in this collection of treasures, only hope to find some more monuments in this collection of books, and some gongfa can get these things, then his heart will actually be a lot happier, obviously this Wuji gongfa is really particularly important.

This is what he wants to learn, but can not learn, because he now feels that there is no use to learn these, these are not particularly applicable to their own, on the contrary, learning is very difficult, if they learn these words, on the contrary, is to their own wasted a lot of time, and is a little bit unfair to their own discussion, their own to learn these words, then my own heart is not likely to be much happier.

In short, for him these quite terrible, the reason why in the previous time they did not have that now is entirely because they are still relatively happy, but this time he is not happy at all in his heart, on the contrary, there is a special feeling of discontent.

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