50Chapter: Fusion, owl genes! (More 3begging for everything!)

Just entering the mountain forest, which is still the edge, encountered a mutated mutant creature, the more you go inside, you can definitely encounter mutated creatures with more mutations.

In this way, the evolutionary speed of Kidola will certainly be greatly increased.

With Kidola by his side, even if he encounters a mutated creature with four mutations, he will not be in the slightest danger, instead the latter will become his prey.

“Kidola, let’s go deeper!”

When Kidola finished eating the carcass of the mutant boar, Chu Tian continued on directly into the depths of the dense forest.

Soon, he encountered a second mutant creature.

It was a mutant python that was devouring a hare.

In the forest, the python originally stood at the top of the food chain, and after undergoing mutation, its size grew to two or three meters, and it was in an absolute dominant position among mutated creatures of the same rank.

But I don’t know why, but this mutant python suddenly felt a pang of distraction and couldn’t help but raise its head and look around.


Suddenly, as if sensing something, the mutant python suddenly tore in terror, its huge body quickly twisted, trying to escape.

“How was found ……almost forgot, most snakes have heat sensing this vision.”

Hidden in the jungle, Chu Tian’s heart snapped to attention: “Kidola, go!”


Kidola’s speed, already so fast that the naked eye could not be captured, almost in an instant, passed through the location of the mutant python.

With a flick of the claw, the

Just see, the head of the mutant python, directly tumbled to the ground.

The huge body, on the other hand, is still writhing on the ground because of the instinctive reaction of the remaining nerves.


Kidola directly opened the mouth of the dragon, swallowed the body of the mutant python, after holding the head of the snake, flew to the side of Chu Tian.

“Kidola, well done!”

Complimented, Chu Tian broke open the head of the mutant python and searched up inside with his long knife.

“This one doesn’t have a genetic crystal either ……”

Chu Tian shook his head with some disappointment and said to Kidola, “Kidola, in the future, when you encounter the corpse of a mutant creature, you can directly eat it with its head, no need to give it to me.”

Anyway, with the genetic strength of Kidola, the genes of mutant creatures, simply can not affect, and even if you get the genetic nucleus, you need Kidola to eat it.


Kidola was a little curious, but nodded dumbly.

“Okay, let’s move on!”

Looking at the still bright sky, Chu Tian continued, “This is our hunting ground until the sun goes down!”



On the trunk of an ancient tree.

A mutant owl quietly opened its eyes and stirred up its wings.

After becoming a mutated creature, its instincts, which did not disappear, such as resting during the day and only going out to act at night.


A short avian cry emanates from its mouth.

Then, close your eyes tightly again and prepare to go back to sleep.


The next moment, an extremely fast object, violently flying towards it.

The mutant owl’s eyes flashed with a hint of disbelief.

As a hawk, it is extremely sensitive to moving objects, and after becoming a mutated creature, the sensitivity is even higher, but this extremely fast object, it can’t sense!

Not waiting for its pathetic little brain to react to what’s going on, the mutant owl felt a black out, followed by unconsciousness.

“Well done, Kidola!”

Chu Tian said softly, but with some excitement: “The fusion of the mutant silver-ringed snake’s genes, heat sensing this ability, it’s simply too good!”

This is simply the strongest detection system for hunters, animals, even the camouflage of mutant creatures, mostly body color class, in this ability, there is nothing to hide!

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, fusing the [Mutant Owl] genetic crystal core successfully!”

Kidola just flew to the shoulder, Chu Tian heard a series of voices from the system in his head: “Ding! Has detected that the host has overlapping powers at this time, the degree of automatic selection is high!”

“Ding! Night vision is weaker than Grey Wolf gene, automatically select Grey Wolf ability, flight ability is weaker than Kidola gene, automatically select Kidola ability.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a brand new ability: Dynamic Vision.”

“Dynamic vision: special inscription of dynamic objects, no enhancement of static objects.”

“Evaluation: Grade E”


Immediately afterwards, Chu Tian felt as if some strange change had come over his eyes.

After turning off the heat sensing, Chu Tian looked at the dense forest not far away, not much different from the usual.

However, the next moment

On a large tree, the tail of a mutant squirrel moved.

In the wide field of vision, Chu Tian immediately noticed this subtle movement of the mutant squirrel.

PS: The third shift is coming, begging for flowers, evaluation, monthly tickets, and bounty support !!!!!!

ps2: from today onwards, at least six more guaranteed every day, extra, please support the author! *

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