421Chapter Leave

421Chapter Leave

“boss lady why so angry look, you see I am also for your own good, since today disturbed you, then I will leave, but later we will definitely meet again, I hope that when we meet again, boss lady attitude can be a little bit better to me, but not again this look, really chilling, then goodbye. ” Jiang smiled and said, completely no longer between the look, do not know what is going on, said after leaving.

After all, if you do not show this, if this boss lady really angry to drive themselves away25, it is not three months later have no chance? If you go, you may still leave a good impression, there may be opportunities later, so this is a wrong decision, only fools will choose to anger the boss’s wife at this time, and not forever to learn this opportunity, but they will not let you go calm and quiet and how can it be?

This is also, let them a few people are a little surprised, did not expect him to have a little face, so quickly left, but I think it must be scared by you.” Liu Qing patted the shoulder of the smoke and said.

After all, such a big reversal, any person may feel that look must not know themselves again, and he is also subconsciously said, this sentence simply did not think anything about things.

“So you really don’t think I’m a woman now?” Smoke sneered.

Although it is laughing, but that obvious sneer, really is very disturbing, she is not for this person, there is no need to quarrel with that what Jianghu so quickly, after all, the original is still thinking that it may develop to their customers, but did not think so quickly to offend others, and this man is now actually stabbing himself, now unlike a woman.

“No, of course not, I just feel now that your image inside my heart is great once again, is very handsome, very handsome, I am ashamed of myself, I think I should learn from you, but I do not feel that you do not feel like a woman’s idea, how can I have this idea, if how I feel that I am also like a woman, you are simply too handsome.” Liu Qing hurriedly shook his head and said,

Just now has seen the power of this woman, they can not casually risk, previously did not believe that he alone can have so much power, originally thought she was just an evil woman need their protection, but now it seems that the words, may be their own need for her protection is almost.

In fact, if you think 690about it, if it weren’t for all the suffering over the years, she wouldn’t be in this state, right?

“Wouldn’t you feel disgusted? ” Su Chu Tian said faintly.

The ability to say so many words you feel a little sick to your stomach when you hear it, does he not feel sick when he says it? Is it really like that? Although really hurt themselves to understand, but not so much as this look.

Yan Yu coughed and said: “It does seem to have so little can not stand.” She is also honest, did not expect the boss lady but did one thing, let Liu Qing this way.

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