418Chapter Opal

418Chapter Opal

“You can not say this kind of words, after listening to me feel weak, you are in the end for my sake or other things in your own heart than I know, so do not say these false words, use this kind of words to deceive me, lest I can still make me happy for nothing, fortunately I have now found your face.” Ah Yan coldly snorted.

If at the beginning, they may still believe him such words, but now words they do not want to believe at all, she is now a little suspicious of Liu Qing and their own recognition in the end is for what, in the end is for their friendship with him, or because of something else is now no way to feel that if the beginning of the words of the family more happy more moved, but now 690they do not want to believe at all He did.

Liu Qing hurriedly said: “You see what you say this kind of words is not in the hurt feelings? Of course I am for our friendship, how can I cheat you for other things, you see you say such things, is not in doubt me? In all fairness, you say that I am not good for you?”

He really can’t afford to mess with this ancestor, before the small time can’t afford to mess with, grow up can’t afford to mess with, to now they still can’t afford to mess with, after all, this person but a said is his very good friend.

A man a (cfbj life to do a lot of confidant, but those are different from their mothers, mothers can only have a, there is a kind of people are more special, they do not have any feelings with their own, but this kind of people tend to lose sleep, at a certain time of the very important people.

“Good, you are so good to me that even my own sisters are missed. “A Yan coldly said, she is just crazy to hit Liu Qing.

Now they look at him is more angry, although they are blessing Yan Yu, but that this person themselves still have to look into, after all, now they do not believe that he, naturally, can not let him so easily take away their own sisters.

Liu Qing really realized that he was wrong, he said this: “Look at me now is not yet taken away, you do not have what is necessary so against me, you see we are not such words on the kiss? What’s wrong, why be so angry, you say right?”

He now in the real understanding of women in the end is a terrible creature, they are really afraid, if not, they still have to put up with her, after all, they have nothing to do, Yan Yu can still and she a little heart,

“Since you know my importance, then please please me, otherwise, you know the consequences of angering me.” Smoky said unhurriedly, anyway, the speaker has no intention, the listener has a heart, someone will understand what it means,

She is not in a hurry to explain, someone understand what this means is not good? What do you have to say more, it is better not to say anything that is not helpful.

Liu Qing hurriedly said seriously: “Of course, must complete the task, to ensure your happiness.”

Now just, the tiger falls flat sun is bullied by dogs, they really have time to ask for their help, so there is no way, only this way, but if there is an opportunity, they will certainly not be so humble, it is too miserable, how can he be so miserable.

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