414Chapter interesting

414Chapter interesting

He could see that the things on these people were still particularly shiny, and he now hopes to be able to have more things that make him attractive, so that he can get these words, for him is also of great value, and he now also hopes that these people can go well and talk to himself about this aspect of the problem.

Because he does not want to let these people because of the moment of excitement and make some special impulsive behavior, when they want to deal with the words is not very easy.

He said he hoped he could handle these things by then, once he could get these done, then there would be a lot of problems, he hoped he could solve it as soon as possible, once he could get it done, then how could there be some bad situations by then, there is nothing bad about this for him.

On the contrary, they usually always feel that there is something wrong, so that their hearts are still particularly concerned, and they now hope to be able to serious some, such a situation is what they must care about.

As long as they can do things generously and these people, then when the time comes, all people are able to do a good job generously when he has this idea in mind received in his heart will always feel that he is now willing to work with these people together an idea to witness a miracle for him these things are particularly destined, as long as they can do a good job, when the time comes, all things under the sky can be so arbitrary.

Before he had not paid attention to this aspect of things, but this time he really noticed, because these people are really quite capricious, and they should do things together with these people to do a great job steps, then to create a lot of miracles. As long as they can bring these people together on such a route, then when the time will appear a lot of warm things, his heart is also hoping to be a little more serious, and then they can seriously some things to do.

“Before they are still able to go well and these people understand understand, but this means that we should also understand clearly, how valuable this thing well, I hope that we can slightly serious study, and do things should be so right, after doing these things, we can better go to the field, and I now hope that we can slightly I hope that we can do something down-to-earth, as long as we can accompany me together, then there will not be a lot of situations.

…… request flowers

I hope you can seriously go to all these people to get, once you can get these words, then other things are not particularly bad, on the contrary, my heart is also hoping to seriously some, as long as these situations can, then there is nothing bad, and I now also hope that each of you should do something here, if we can seriously perfect words, then Other things are not particularly bad.


He can really see how powerful these people are, because of this he hopes that we can pay attention to, as long as we can understand that when there is something, can not be blamed to himself, now also hope to be able to make a good effort to find out these things, he hopes that everyone can stand the last post ah, they now also hope that these people can be serious. The,

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