404Chapter happy

404Chapter happy

Here they are still powerful, this is still he especially want to go to figure out, he is now also especially clear, because these people are originally very powerful, these people do things how to come to be children, how to say that they are not likely to count with these people what, he said these what and their willpower so positive words, are making themselves especially feel no “Six seven seven” fortunately.

Because these people are really excessive very annoying, but he himself does not like it at all, if these people so on, then how can I myself will make him happy, he will not necessarily like these people, not at all willing to let themselves, if then there are some bad situations, then when they are not willing to be happy in their hearts.

He can see that this guy is still special to let himself, instead of himself now also hope to understand some of the situation, he hopes that these know not to pile up here to pile up, instead of their own let special reluctance to carry these people so, bad words, then when they temporarily can not be happy a lot, he hopes to be able to clearly to solve every thing, so because of this he can be especially The actual fact is that you can be happy.

“Well, naturally it is good, but if you count your own people here, then naturally it is not, if you go to count those outside the treacherous businessmen, then naturally it is the best, I can not wait for your wireless their pockets of money are all cheated, those money for us is also some unjust money, said we can get their money to let We can get their money to make our lives better, in fact, there is nothing, even if the government people see it is nothing to say.

He naturally knows that there are those outside the treacherous merchants, those treacherous merchants are not good things, each of them is not a good guy, because he these guys just think that these are goldfish calculations, they like to put those old and worn cloth interspersed in those newer cloth, and then get to the market to control the sale, if they do not pay attention to the words, it is really likely to suffer from the aggravation, eat a big loss. If they don’t pay attention, it’s really likely that they will be aggrieved and suffer a big loss.

Because these people do each thing is this way, and they are between a lean calculation of the composition of the existence of here, each is particularly calculating, and calculating also particularly powerful, they class have a group of three inches, they live a very powerful, every one of them is so….

If you can get those guys to cheat, it is naturally the best thing, but these people do not necessarily have such a skill, they really do not necessarily see these, because for him is really quite scary.

“Well considered the best, but the relationship between the line or the people needed to solve, although they are more people like to earn money, but they now also have a certain1.9 relationship, they are these gentlemen will also look after each other, will help to cheat people, sometimes a person may cheat us is not enough may also be several people together to cheat.

They will show a special sincere look, we just will not be easy to collect photos, if you want to calculate them, it is estimated that it is also necessary to put some effort to do.”

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