461Chapter Recognition

461Chapter Recognition

“Ah Qing, Chu Sheng.” Ah Yan looked at the two of them and said these two names.

She never thought she would really meet the deceased here, and still so familiar with the deceased, originally thought that may even come back can not return to the past, did not expect to meet them in this occasion, perhaps this may be the so-called fate, life it.

Liu Qing smiled happily: “I knew it was you, I knew I would not be mistaken, that year you went there, why now you are called Ah Yan.”

He knew he was sure that he was right, it is good to go to confirm the sub, otherwise if you miss it, you will certainly regret it, he will be very sure that he will regret it, if you miss it, then the last way there is now this way.

A Yan looked at the two of them and said: “The previous things you two also know, I will not talk to you more, after I was stranded in the south, where unfamiliar, but fortunately I was adopted by a kind-hearted people, but soon after, because of the war they two also died, from then on I lived a drifting life,|| ”

In fact, these things they simply do not want to say, but because the other side is their two words, they are very willing, after all, is once the best friend, and now so miss you, can be said to be very young man, since this is very good, they have no reason to refuse this hard-won encounter.

“After I met Yan Yu in a place, since then we two have been relying on each other, in fact, quite a few years later, I still miss here, so I decided to come back, my parents told me when they were dying, do not use this name again, they are afraid that I because of this name out of what happened, so I can not even use their own names, just called The two words are also more pleasant to call. “Smoke smiled,

In fact, these things may generally be very simple to say, but for themselves, these years of experience has made themselves on this matter at all nothing good care, after all, the past is just his past people still have to look forward, but also because of this way, of course, they are also more open-minded.

Liu Qing is listening to some sad, Su Chusheng opened his mouth and said: “These years you have worked hard, but after this time back there is no other idea?”

This experience is not an ordinary young girl can endure, think about when she left, is just a little girl, can experience so much, is really very difficult.

World”, there is not much thought, just want to return to the hometown, perhaps others are the older the more you want to go out, and I am no longer those energy, so I want to stay in the hometown side for a while. “Yan smiled.

Others in the age of happiness, they have (Wang Zhao Zhao Jing in the world, and now have gained a lot of things, to this age experienced so many years of storms, they also want to go to peace for a while.

Liu Qing held her hand and said: “If that’s the case, you might as well move in with the two of us, there will be a care for you in the future, lest the one surnamed Jiang has ill intentions for you. “Thinking about what that person said just now, they are also a little afraid, mainly because they are afraid that Yan has something to do.

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