454Chapter Keeping your mouth shut

454Chapter Keeping your mouth shut

“How do you people suddenly so ignorant, do what words should say what words should not say I did not teach you.” Liu Qing deliberately pretended to be very stern, said as if in anger that the same.

Originally they do not know what to say, these people are also so naughty mess, if it is really awkward, not to let themselves and Yan Yuxiang “six seven seven” to deal with, they are absolutely impossible to agree to this thing.

Those people instantly knew what he meant by that, and hurriedly said, “Yes, this will go back.” After saying that, everyone left.

They are joking with the master, of course, can not really be so reckless, so they can stop is their principle, if the master is not happy, they will also be happy, of course, is not to mess up.

“That very sorry ah, I told you will certainly bring you trouble, you see is not inconvenient?” Liu Qing some worried tentative question.

They are not bad people, they are just curious and playful, so they will be so curious, but they can not reprimand them, then only their own to bear the burden.

Yan Yu smiled: “Joking, if you really come to pursue, it is also you tell me this thing, but I have to be sure to come out with you, if you really want to say, then say I am to blame for it, and I think these men are still quite cute.

He has long guessed that there will be this result, but just joking, of course, is no big deal, so of course he does not care about it, that is, so to speak, there is nothing to push to push away.

“In that case, then let’s go out, anyway, stay here will not be quiet.” Liu Qing smiled, he really knows his men too well, although it feels as if they are eating, but in fact it is not so, their eyes are staring at their side behind the scenes.

Two people just went out, and the other side blew up.

“Young Master Su, do you know what this is all about?” Someone looked at Su Chusheng with a joking smile and asked.

After all, in their impressions, their own young master usually only brother Su Chusheng together, so this matter is certainly feel to ask Su Chusheng the best.

Su Chusheng shook his head: “As the saying goes, the sky cannot be revealed, you do not care whether I will be sprayed to death by your young master.”

They do not want to say these gossip, these things were not determined, if & These gossip people said by Liu Qing know after, will certainly be spray kisses himself, so for their own sake, he can not say this thing.

“Young master Su is also too meaningless, my young master is not going to know, you do not say we all do not say it is not good, everything is fine.” A person said this.

As long as they don’t say anything, their young master is not here, where 1.9to listen.

“Your young master and I have been friends for many years, such a little thing, how could it be for him to say, you better stop thinking about it and think about the future cultivation of kung fu.” Su Chusheng smiled.

I do not know what they feel this thing has a good thought, they do not also think that Liu Qing and Yan Yu have things on the right, this that direction is right, and do not need to own to say.

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