452Chapter Talking with each other

452Chapter Talking with each other

“You don’t have to say much, I know, of course you are not likely to bend the law, in that case, there is nothing too big, no matter what, since you are here to add business to me, of course, I am also welcome, otherwise how can there be business not done?” Yan Yu smiled.

Anyway, anyway, business is earned, and there is a thing is Liu Qing also came, no matter what the words, the end is good on it, after all, people can not be too concerned about the process, too concerned about the process can not have 677any too good results, people are not enough to care too much about the process, the process is just the process, the most important thing is actually the result, after all, not many people will be in a process of the process, After all, not many people will be in a process of the process, only the form of the middle may happen many things, but the most important thing is not the result, the result is good, but the middle process is not very bad, that the result is the best.

Liu Qing nodded: “Okay, if so, then we will be very cooperative to talk about this cooperation.

Anyway, the two people are not very concerned about these things, then there is nothing to say, after all, the result is a very important thing, he brought business to the restaurant, if the two of them met this is very good.

“Well, I think the people in front of you should need you very much, we will do it later, and this business is really a bit difficult, I need to go check, then we will do it first. “Yan Yu smiled.

I have to say that he also feels that he is indeed a very knowledgeable woman, no matter which way you look at it, you are really a too good person.

In fact, this is just a reason for her to comfort herself, his real idea is that the two of them to say more is only to talk about the embarrassing part, might as well not say good.

“Good.” Liu Qing nodded, both of them are two very rational people, so for the outcome of this matter (cfbj) they both can be very clear, and also know what is best, and moreover now they do bring because of the banquet thing, but also should be in front of the brothers to eat together.

The two people left each other after they had already said this.

“The young master is to do what, went for so long, can not be here for a long time and know someone?” When Liu Qing returned, someone jokingly said.

But I don’t know that this is true, the speaker has no intention, the listener has a heart.

“Why are you so gossipy, hurry up and eat your meal is not it” Liu Qing laughed.

PS: the new author, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Evaluation!!!!

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