447Chapter Talking Peace

447Chapter Talking Peace

In fact, she did not also look at the speech, more because his own heart also did not think well, so in this case, he did not want to let himself lose a chance to love for no reason, but also do not want to let themselves not let me lose a chance to be loved, so did not think of any good way, only so to leave him behind.

“Good.” Liu Qing in fact originally did not want to, but is a moment to say, now Yan Yu retained, of course he is to stay, right.

Otherwise he can be really silly too much, now if you do not agree, it is not their own to leave a regret thing? He certainly is not likely to do so,

“Say something?” After sitting down, Liu Qing smiled lightly and asked.

Since he left himself behind, he certainly660 will not speak easily, this time he preferred to let Yan Yu speak first.

Yan Yu is also frozen, she is also casually said just, she smiled and said: “If so, then it is an in-depth analysis of our relationship, right?”

(cfbj anyway) himself is not what cornered people, these things they let me know how to solve, if it is said that early late to solve, then why not now to solve it? There is just a good time.

Liu Qing did not expect her to be so active, “Then what do you think should be done?”

They are really too tired, for this aspect of things, he has been too lazy to talk about it, ha results are the same, the results let themselves have no energy to talk about these things again.

“I think it, if you really like me, I can consider, but I can tell you clearly, I may be this second here, the next second do not know where, so I have no way to give you a guarantee. “Yan Yu faintly said, is also very serious once said.

She is serious, if you say you have no feelings for the man in front of you, he will feel that this kind of people are lying, but the truth is that they have no way to be with him, if you want to be together, these things are certainly to say.

Liu Qing looked at her and asked, “It’s because of that boss lady of yours, right? If so, can I buy your freedom back at his place?”

He is anxious in front of the woman’s life, so the association of words will know that he must be in order to repay the grace to do so, but it has been so many years, the repayment of the grace should also be reported finished.

“You do not know this thing is actually I willing, and he has no relationship, is my voluntary in his side, this thing I have no way to change, perhaps no way to understand him, for me how important.” Yan Yu shook his head.

In the most difficult time, the boss lady gave himself another life, so no matter what he would not leave her, there is no reason to convince himself of this solution.

Liu Qing understand this kind of feelings, but if for this to give up their feelings, he would rather pretend not to understand this kind of feelings, after all, this kind of feelings is to understand, but if because of this and their happiness, so in vain, it is really not a very wise choice.

Even if it is a great favor, it is not possible to bind a person’s life.

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