442Chapter Tiger

442Chapter Tiger

Two people walked for a while, feeling that they not only did not go out, but instead led to another more disorienting world, but they are both very tired, and stay inside this unknown environment to rest for a while.

“You can not prepare a little more fully we come out again, now this way if something happens can do? “She ah annoyed to say a word.

He this person withdrew him a glance: “If you are still thinking about someone, then hurry back, do not delay my business here, in the way.”

He is not trying to continue to coax 660him, and not a child, if you want to stay together together, do not want to separate, where so much sadness, he is in the end whining, or because of the heart of the uncomfortable gas to their own body,

“All right, hurry up and leave, first get out of here is more important. “She ah know is their own fault, can only first here to change the subject.

He also does not know what is going on, probably just can not control themselves, is to feel that they should not be here, if again into the city, it will certainly be very happy, but he knows that he is wrong in this kind of thinking, is that he has to follow, so he can not take this thing as a matter of regulating their mood.

So it is better to go out first, after going out in order to regulate their mood.

He, of course, agreed but now the biggest problem is that the two of them have no way to get out, if possible, he does not want to talk nonsense here, wasting time and pointless.

The two of them were silent for a while, and she suddenly asked him, “Do you feel anything wrong?” He always felt strange in his heart, but could not talk about what was wrong.

Not waiting for him to answer, the two people’s eyes met that moment, two people understand, immediately popped to the sides, “rumble” a huge sound, then a white tiger room (cfbi) out of a big, but the two people next to the face unchanged, not because they two have how calm, but Just now the eyes have let people know that she ah said that something is wrong is this incident, after all, a tiger is just, they two can still feel out.

“I’m still okay, not very bad. “She ah throw him a glance.

Let him say his spirit is not in the state, if not so, he does not feel, although he really clear he this person may know this thing earlier than himself, but no way, he is to show a white very handsome just, who he did not say.

PS: the new author, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Evaluation!!!!

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