441Chapter his pressure

Chapter his pressure

By then, if they want to fight again, he can also beat them. In this case, the people in heaven are also afraid of him, so this he this person decided to stay here for a few more days, then go to discuss with them, then he will no longer have to be afraid of anyone, they all have to listen to his words.

With this idea, he this person feels in this also not so sad, he now suffer all the ordeal are not a thing, think now things are not worth mentioning, and now it seems to be a good thing, may even Tai Shang Laojun he himself can not imagine, so he this person in the inside has long been conscious, long thought, and also in the absorption of spells.

Rather than25 struggling to wake up early, it is better to sleep well on this sleep, maybe they can move after waking up, by then their own magic power has increased, their bodies can also relax. It is simply a great thing to have the best of both worlds. I didn’t think that those people on their heavenly court so Ru. They actually want to let themselves, to the driver did not expect but it backfired to give themselves a great good thing, so that they not only did not die, but also contributed to his own law, is simply their own divine helper ah, the thought of this he wanted to laugh happily, but his expression can not be subject to his own control, now so he can only hold the laugh, want to shake up can not be material, want to jump a little also Can not jump. Even this happy feeling can not be expressed, so he is now more or less difficult to suffer.

Eat so well, already want to have a good sleep, wake up after he felt his physical strength also recovered almost, when the time to choose to stand out, think the time could not be more appropriate. And standing outside of the Tai Shang Laojun has also been observing the situation inside the two, the color of this alchemical furnace has never changed, there is no movement inside, and then he this person well, alive and lying inside, did not suffer any harm, but all this he can not do anything now, can only wait and see what happens next, he can now only quietly observe, quietly, Watch to deal with the next thing that happens.

Things in the sky have been in the hot, the Jade Emperor side has been waiting for news from Tai Shang Laojun, but Tai Shang Laojun said there is no progress, he can only now wait for time, the Jade Emperor heard after also very angry, but angry there is nothing to do but wait for Tai Shang Laojun to report to him from time to time.


PS: the new author, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Evaluation!!!!

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