433Chapter Leave

433Chapter Leave

“I’m sorry, I know you’re not kidding, but I also told you my life, I can’t say I can be with you, because I don’t even know where I’ll go next, thank you for today, the night is late, I’ll leave.” Yan Yu said generously, and left after finishing her forehead to him.

She could not convince herself, at least now things are too chaotic, she needs time to think, but if it is here to see the words Liu Qing, she may not be able to think properly, she needs a quiet660 environment, she now does not really want to see Liu Qing, that will make themselves irrational, so they choose to leave.

And she left also passed in front of Su Chusheng, Su Chusheng also did not look too much, but went to Liu Qing.

“Did not say proper? “Su Chusheng looked at the deflated Liu Qing sitting on the bridge and asked indifferently.

In fact, he guessed, so presumptuous style is not Liu Qing will do, and suddenly things tend to be confused, so this result he also guessed, just did not expect so decisive they ended up.

Liu Qing looked at him, said with a bitter smile: “Yes, sit down and look at the moon, quite beautiful.”

In fact, he himself also knows that the possibility will not be very large, now is just do not want to accept it, but if you really tell the truth, to accept or not, the facts are in front of you.

“Actually, it’s nothing, maybe she didn’t think it through, you said it so suddenly, even I was shocked, let alone her.” Su Chusheng comforted.

In fact, it is really too sudden, although they already know, but also will be surprised, not to mention an uninformed people.

Liu Qing nodded and said: “In fact, when I said it I also regret it, I do not know why after listening to her finish her story, I want to tell her this sentence.”

He also (cfbj) will regret, just regret is not useful.

“The good thing is that in the future, there is no need to worry. “Su Chusheng said indifferently.

What will happen in the future who do not know, what is happening now is good or bad is a blessing or a curse do not know, so before everything is not determined, do not have to be pessimistic, maybe the final result will not be very bad, maybe everything will develop in the direction you expect.

And Yan Yu on the way back is actually hesitant, after all, her impression of Liu Qing is not considered to be in bad, but suddenly things she is also confused.

“Do you think, we will all be okay?” Yan Yu asked softly as she looked at her own dokko glistening in the moonlight.

This sentence, she does not know who is asking, perhaps looking for the moon want an answer, or perhaps want an answer to themselves.

The next day.

“Today I’m going out for an adventure, do you want to go with me?” Su Chusheng asked indifferently.

If it was before, he will definitely pull Liu Qing to go, but that is because before they both have no attachments, now although Liu Qing was rejected, but they still want to seek his advice.

If he wants to stay and continue to work hard, or go out with himself to take a break, he has no opinion, but he hopes that this matter is Liu Qing’s own decision, that way he will not regret, he will not do the wrong thing, split up a bunch of lovers, this crime he can not afford.

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