430Chapter Cause

430Chapter Cause

“No, how did this uniqueness come into your hands?” Liu Qing asked in confusion.

He was still trying to guess, and was still exchanging answers with Su Chusheng, but suddenly the shopkeeper gave the mirror to Yan Yu, what is this reversal? The reason why the two of them are stumped is because of this reason, they simply did not expect Yan Yu will be so quickly solve the answer.

“Six Six Zero”

Yan Yu smiled: “Did not hear, I have said the right answer ah.”

These two people do not know what is going on, how suddenly become so dull, but to be honest there is a little bit of cute, probably because it is too sudden, so they two did not react.

“Self-explanatory?” Su Chusheng, who had been silent, asked suddenly.

Before he seems to have heard such a sentence, but at that time also just thought Yan Yu said it, did not think that is the right answer, but now think about it seems to be the same, but it is just a matter of turning between the night, the first second they are still to give up, the next second Yan Yu said the right answer, this reversal is also too a little too big.

Yan Yu nodded, and did not say anything.

But Liu Qing is very curious to ask: “What is the answer? It feels like if it goes with the lantern riddle, many words are possible.”

If it is to look at the feeling, many words together sounds quite smooth, but why is Yan Yu’s is right.

“In fact, there is nothing in this world to measure the standard of a thing right or wrong, so what I said may not be very correct answer, according to me to think, is that when this puzzle was first established, the person who created the puzzle wanted the answer,” Yan Yu smiled.

If there must be a correct answer, in the case of this puzzle is absolutely impossible, because the answer to this kind of puzzle is too much, compared to only say which is more appropriate, is simply can not see which is the most correct.

Liu Qing smiled and said: “originally full of confidence, want to help you take the hand, did not expect the last or you shine.”

No matter what the answer is, but this thing really embarrassed himself, was just full of confidence that he wanted to take this bracelet down to Yan Yu, did not expect the final winner was he she herself, fortunately the words did not say too much, give yourself a way to move back.

“It’s no big deal, then let’s go somewhere else and see, it’s quite interesting. “Yan Yu smiled, a few people continued to delay.

After all, it’s not a big deal to say out and play, because play to have fun, why care so much about things.

A few people came to a lake, the lake in fact, there is no special place, except that there is a bridge on the lake is white.

“It’s beautiful.” Yan Yu smiled at the bridge.

The white bridge is really rare.

1.9Liu Qing asked somewhat strangely: “You’re not from here”

Although the bridge may indeed look so certain strange, but the people here have all been used to it, because the local people are understanding, even if there is a surprise, it will not be so surprised feeling, so Yan Yu should not be here, then she is foreign.

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