426Chapter Lantern Puzzle

426Chapter Lantern Puzzle

A few people walking, Yan Yu stood up in a place, look carefully is a place to guess the lantern riddle, or quite lively.

“You are interested in this? ” Liu Qing asked curiously.

He did not expect Yan Yu this feeling quite strong woman, originally thought she and others have what is different, because they have always felt that the lantern riddle is something that only young girls will like.

Yan Yu smiled: “Okay, it feels good.

25After all, young girls are like this, there are always some things that are inexplicable love, can not say what feeling, but this is the way.

“Then let’s go see.” Liu Qing smiled, pulled her to the forefront, so Yan Yu and some feel embarrassed.

But Liu Qing does not feel anything, probably because he is not the reason for this person is not trim, do things is so good cool, do not care so much, he thought is also quite simple, since like it, why not go to try? But choose to just look.

And Su Chusheng of course, with them to go, after all, today from the real sense, they are the two protagonists, and moreover, they are not very interested in this kind of thing, so let them two go, after all, they do not love, will not stop them two people, but still slow to go over to see the fun.

“Boss, I also want to play.” Liu Qing went over and said with a smile.

The boss is also very enthusiastic to say: “This is the case, our lantern riddle has almost guessed today, but there is still one, this riddle corresponds to a gift is a bracelet, guess it and you can take away.”

He also had to be very enthusiastic for Liu Qing pointed out the bracelet.

Just see a white jade bracelet placed in a small box inside, look or good, he asked jokingly: “Such a good treasure, how the boss will take out as a lantern riddle gift?”

If he is not mistaken, this bracelet should also be a little meaningful, if sold can also be worth a lot of silver, but it is as a lantern riddle gift.

Faced with the possibility of being taken away at any time, is this boss some kind of hidden rich man? But it should not be the case.

“You’re joking, I’m just an ordinary person, this kind of thing is useless to me, and this lantern riddle and the bracelet both have different meanings to me, so I don’t think it’s a very hasty decision.” The boss smiled.

His hand gaze, is really able to see this bracelet on his very feeling look, because the human eye is not deceptive, that natural flow of feeling is not deceiving.

Liu Qing smiled643: “Good, then I will not be polite, what is the puzzle?”

Everyone has things they can’t say, and the hardships, this thing is still very understandable, since we know that others have hardships, there is no need to continue to pursue.

After all, some things are meaningless to pursue the root, not to mention that they are just passing through, there is no need, these things in his case, but a matter of life.

“Young man, this is very rare, we stay a long time.” Next to someone smiling and laughing to persuade the. After all, they have been staying for so long.

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