The first 423chapter excited ah

The first 423chapter excited ah

“I didn’t expect this thing to be done in such a short time, it’s really too painful, I didn’t expect everyone to be able to do this thing in such a short time, it seems that this thing can look not as difficult as it seems on the surface.

Everything is as long as you can hold on a little, in fact, will be able to complete, and we can now also go to other places to turn around, may be able to find some other things, then this is also a good harvest it.

I hope we can come together to understand each other, to support each other this is what I would have been particularly happy, and I want to go with everyone to do something practical.”

Chu 643Tian’s heart can be considered painful, but these people’s heart is not happy, because this thing and they originally did not have too much to do with, but this time such a situation occurred, said they are these people’s oral dispute is really quite a lot, and this time Song Bahe is heart is slightly happy some, but what will happen next he still do not quite understand, because the next thing that will happen Things he did not know, as for the next will happen some other situation, he is also not very understanding.

The smooth resolution of some things, his heart can be considered a lot of happy, but what will happen next he does not know very well, just know that they now have to do a lot of things, because their current work is really special, and you are now also a heavy responsibility, said they do not want to come together with these people to happen excuses.

He felt that the meaning of this thing their own things do come to communicate with everyone again, in short, they now want to go and these people come together to do something, at least not too quarrelsome, anyway, they now do not want to go to crusade any person, because they now have no need to crusade.

“Yes, it is quite reasonable, but what will happen next I do not know, anyway, I now hope in my heart that we can come together to share with us, because sharing something would have been very happy, and bring me a lot of.” (cfbj)

In short, these people are still considered to have a grateful heart, but what will happen next they do not understand, because they do not know what will happen next some things well, and they are now particularly painful in the heart, after all, this thing is their previous to think of the future imagination, also counted so that they grow a lot of experience and lessons.

So first they now this downright long memory, they now also think if the time to happen again some situation, then their hearts are not good to go.

PS: the new author, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Evaluation!!!!

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