414Chapter can not lose

414Chapter can not lose

But in the following Solon and Joba see Nami this kind of reaction, suddenly can’t help but some confusion Nami this sudden head back laughing reaction.

He is now very serious, not at all like saying a joke, and the other side heard his words, then laughed out loud.

What does this mean exactly? He could tell if he didn’t want to. His own words were not funny, and he felt sure that he would beat his opponent.

Otherwise the study of the sword for more than ten years all in vain, they have paid so much effort, but will actually lose to a person pretending to be themselves, it is too – poor.

He has to compete with him, if he wins, this person will not be able to replace himself, continue to live in this world – the world.

This person can’t even win him, how can he go to the great sword hero who is convinced by millions of people.

Solon said while pulling off his sword tied on the hood, while tying himself, coldly spoke, “Cut the crap, quickly call your companion out I want to fight with him.”

The woman standing on top of the platform saw Solon’s actions, and could not help but feel some fun hooked lips.

If Sauron is now in the headquarters, then he will certainly ask Sauron to play with this person, while he stands on the high platform to watch the show, it must be very interesting.

Unfortunately, now Solon is not in the headquarters, but in Luffy’s ship to carry out the mission, and so Solon after the mission, he will let Solon to meet this interesting person.

The natural Nami is not to reveal the fact that now Solon is not in the headquarters, if these people know that Solon is not in the headquarters, will certainly begin to suspect that the two outside the net of fish.

If they know that there are still two missing fish outside, then they will put all their hopes on them and will start to find ways to escape from this place.

If you reveal now in this headquarters, only he and Luffy words, then these people will gather together, together against them.

There are only two of them, they are bound to be unable to fight so many people. She’s not that stupid, she knows she has to avoid lightning, and she has to talk through her head.

Nami hooked his lips, a teasing face open, “You can not even beat me, and still want to challenge my companions?”

Listen to the words full of provocation and contempt, Solon does not think, he is now full of blood, only want to meet with each other, and then a painful beating.

……… request flowers …………

He could not listen to what Nami was saying now, but he was still a little dark and wanted to count the other side some more.

He knows that now Nami will never let him see Sauron, then he will have to provoke him, until his people are provoked out.

Solon hooked his lips, opened the group mockery skills, opened the mouth is to Nami a sneer, “you are too much too self-righteous, you are just a shadow, how can be more powerful than their master?”

Before he was brought to this place, he already knew their plan, their plan was to find their master’s flesh and complete another ritual to continue living in this world in their place.

He knows this is their weakness, so he will grab this weakness to say them a good meal, so then they will be annoyed, after their own plans that will be good to do.

When all of them are in a mess, it is a good time for them to escape from this place. The first thing they could do was to get out,

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