405Chapter Counterattack

405Chapter Counterattack

“Don’t you bleed, you think you are good looking? I would care so much, I just see that you treat customers differently, so I feel unbalanced.” The big man said in a hurry.

Although the purpose of the beginning is indeed for the woman in front of him, but now found that he is so pressed sharp mouth he has no way to be able to control this person, if again by “six four three” he said on, may put things out, at that time they have no reason.

After all, he is deliberately provocative, and because of a woman, said he felt ashamed of himself, but he could not help it, has come to this point, and the woman does not intend to go around their own look.

Yan Yu smiled: “If a person wants to hide something, he will have a lot of reasons, I do not know what you actually because, but if you go on like this there is no point, so I would advise the guest to let go, do not be so difficult for people.”

Now they are more and more do not want to talk to this person, after all, he has delayed their own a long time, and then continue, their own things are too low to be delayed, and he does not deserve to delay themselves, and do not believe why important things, just because he is not worthy, he does not deserve to waste time with himself.

If it is a good-looking people, and more intelligent, they may consider, but this person is not good-looking and stupid, why waste their time because of this kind of people, think about yourself feel ridiculous things, there is no need to think about it.

“Difficult? What’s wrong with this store? Is this how you treat your customers? I think you want to throw me out?” The man also kind of see, loudly said.

Originally just now Yan Yu also did not use a very loud voice, just a few people next to hear, but now he sighed so, suddenly many people are looking at them, do not know what is going on, Yan Yu also wondered why he had to be so loud.

In fact, the man thought especially simple, even this woman to make things bigger, they have with him to do it, anyway, this is not her purpose? So there is nothing to say, they also do not want so much….

“The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Anyway, he is not just a meal, even if this thing is a big deal for him, there is no substantial harm, but this restaurant or to open here, unless they do not intend to continue to open, or this thing for them is a stain.

Although the impact of this matter may not be very large, but in fact, as long as he made a big deal of this matter, then suddenly, a moment is certainly influential, then it is 1.9enough.

After all, as a new restaurant, they now need to accumulate fame and customers, but if this thing happens, perhaps a long time will not have customers come back to them here, this way, their enthusiasm will slowly dissipate, the restaurant will also be finished.

Anyway, what this man wants is especially simple, just let their fame become stink together.

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