393Chapter:Bribing Lu Jiu Ge

393Chapter:Bribing Lu Jiu Ge

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Subconsciously in the heart of a very defensive look, Chu Tian and her body began to slowly float further away, while using their own lightning elemental power time in front of their own formation of a crossed grid, blocking the black stone continued to approach their location.630

“Now in front of you this black stone name is called the return of the stone, in this stone has a very special substance inside, as long as you can the stone inside this special substance from his body extracted, your own strength will be on the basis of the present rise absolutely more than a step.

Hearing this, Chu Tian and she immediately understood the main reason why Song Ma this person gave this black stone to himself at this time, faintly glanced at this black stone floating in front of himself, Chu Tian and her voice also began to become a little yin and yang.

“Soong Ma, you’re bribing me?”

The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing. He made a promise to Tian and her, it is not really easy to say.

“Don’t talk so hard, what do you mean by bribery? I have just made it very clear, you in my heart is actually like my friend, between the two of us although the surface is indeed a hostile relationship, but this does not stop me in the heart (cfbj) has recognized the fact that you are my friend.”

In fact, when Song Ma said these words his own heart is also refused, but there is no way, Chu Tian and she has once again invaded the Song Ma this person cast out this has been improved space barriers.

If within a short period of time, Chu Tian and she are not able to withdraw from the spatial barrier, not only is it a great loss for Song Mom herself, but even Chu Tian and her every move in the spatial barrier will be a constant challenge to the balance of the spatial barrier Song Mom has created.

Chu Tian and she until now one finally understand why Song Ma this person will say such odd words at this time, if it is in the past, I am afraid that no one can believe Song Ma this person will actually take the initiative in this matter Chu Tian and she is good.

You know, Song Ma this person in more than 10,000 years of time to a person’s power against all the city guardians of the entire continent, this can become Song Ma this person for generations to take advantage of this reason to boast about the fact that their ability.

But sometimes things are so funny, to their own strength against all the city guardians of the entire continent Song Ma this person, actually fell twice in a row in the hands of Chu Tian and her.

And the spatial barriers that were considered by this person, Song Ma, to be one of her strongest skills were drilled in by Chu Tian and her twice in a row.

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