384Chapter Matters

384Chapter Matters

“Okay, you go busy, I’ll handle this matter.” Yan Yu smiled.

No need to delay their work for a few unfamiliar people, no relationship, and she does not want such people to be taken seriously, because they have nothing to take seriously, is a group of troublemakers.

This kind of people he has seen a lot, there is nothing to make a fuss about, generally speaking, this kind of people have a purpose, let him to the purpose, they have nothing to spare.

“Okay. “The second answered, and then left.

After all, they also have a job, and this thing if they really let them to solve, it is unlikely to solve the very perfect, then in this case, or give things to the people who should solve it is good.

After all, they are also an errand boy, and not so capable, although of course there is affection for the restaurant, but they can not do things can not help, so he still chose not to finish paying attention to this matter.

Yan Yu laughed, she would like to see what demons and monsters in front, but also want her to serve food? It is simply a fool’s dream.


“Why isn’t your what’s-his-name coming? What the hell is going on, do not give face is it?” A big burly man is sitting on the table, a reluctant face said.

He did not believe that a restaurant serving food actually have such a big field, invited so half a day still can not invite, or simply they do not open this restaurant, otherwise why do this kind of thing?

“Sir, you listen to me we have sent someone to invite, just may be a little busy, you should still solve us.” The second said nicely.

After all, they do not dare to say anything disrespectful to the guests, but Sister Yu did not come, and they can not take the matter into their own hands, or these guests out? That is not a realistic thing, because they do not have the right, it is not possible to do so, so they can only speak well, well coaxed guests.

The big man was very reluctant look and said: “I think you clearly do not want to open a good store.” After saying this, he slapped the table and scared the second man out of speech.

“Hey, what’s going on over there?” Liu Qing looked curious and asked.

…… request flowers ………

Originally he was quite sad, now there is actually hilarious to see, think about it or good.

Su Chusheng said indifferently: “If I heard that little thing just now is correct, it is because Yan Yu girl to serve us dishes. That person is probably lustful, want Yan Yu girl to serve him food, and Yan Yu girl has not come out.”


As a person practicing martial arts, the ears are a bit sensitive to the normal things, otherwise he would not want to hear this kind of thing, after all, this little shit only those long-winded women love to say, they do not like to say.

“Excessive!” Liu Qing was also very reluctant after hearing this.

Originally, he was not very willing to listen to these things, but the design to Yan Yu, he is now full of that woman, hear about him, naturally will be excited about things.

Su Chusheng skimmed a glance and asked: “Want to save the beauty of the hero?

He looked at Liu Qing this look will know, this thing he will certainly manage, and will also play what for the world to get rid of harm, but in fact is for a Yan Yu just. The,

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