381Chapter Order

381Chapter Order

“Don’t disgust me, I just don’t want to see your look like the sky is falling, or I wouldn’t bother with you.” Su Chusheng pushed him.

Although it is really want to help him, but verbally or very dislike, after all, between brothers is not care so much.

Liu Qing also smiled knowingly, the feelings between the two of them where they need to say so much.

“By the way, what do you think I should do to get this done. “Liu Qing began to ask.

After all, there is a saying, in love people are stupid, Liu Qing is now this way, the face of this thing, he is really no idea, he still feels that any way is not good, or want to listen to Su Chusheng’s opinion.

25Maybe that’s how it is, the more careful you want to be so the more you want to give up, and more and more careful.

Su Chusheng said indifferently: “Your thing, make up your own mind.”

Although they should be to help him, but this thing if he is serious, that is his life event, then their own opinion can only be considered an opinion, can not be the main.

The main thing still depends on his meaning, his meaning to be the most important, their own meaning is only on top of his meaning to modify, and then proposed, so the main event still depends on his.

“It’s okay, it’s not a big deal, quickly help me think together. “Liu Qing laughed and said with some urgency.

Only still in the chase stage, is not a particularly important thing, so Su Chusheng’s opinion is still needed, and, this is how important things, this is to decide whether she can chase Yan Yu to the hand of things.

Su Chusheng said indifferently: “People are not familiar with you, you should go to find out what kind of person she is, and then the right medicine.”

Although he may be less experienced than Liu Qing, but what he heard before are said so, are said to move with emotion, no matter what the other side like, sincerity is absolutely useful, otherwise why to say that people and people get along is the need to be sincere.

And they have just met not a few, if Liu Qing at this time on what to say to others little girl like words, he thinks that Yan Yu girl since and others different words, then should not like this way, so they are not recommended Liu Qing like the previous do.

“But, I asked her out? She also does not answer should ah.” Liu Qing said shook his head in the negative.

She suddenly felt how this thing is so difficult, Yan Yu different attract him, but he also felt that it is because she is different, so they are also very passive, simply can not guess what she wants is, want to like is613 what, including the loved ones do not know.

Su Chusheng also began to ponder up, listen to him say so, this thing is really still quite difficult, because if a woman does not like money, do not like, do not like gold and silver jewelry, then it is a very difficult thing to get.

Because at this time, no matter what you do you may not be able to capture her heart, because she has nothing in her heart, so it is the most difficult to guess.

Not to mention that it is the first time to meet people, do not understand the situation, how to know what she likes? If possible, it is still necessary to buy something cheesy.

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