375Chapter Love at First Sight

375Chapter Love at First Sight

Have been so obviously rejected him, does he still can not see it? That Yan Yu said the words have almost directly told Liu Qing do not have thoughts on the boss’s wife, in fact, she also said more directly, but how Liu Qing is not enlightened, actually still think there is no rejection?

“No, she just said that I should not have thoughts about the boss’s wife, then this sentence has hidden other “six one three” meaning, you are not also guessed out? “Liu Qing looked at Su Chusheng excitedly and asked.

He felt that he was so jade tree, handsome, this little lady must not want to let himself go to the boss’s wife, so say so, then in other words, that is, this little lady themselves have any meaning.

But this is also an inevitable thing, after all, he is so good, if the little lady really has this in mind, look at her so beautiful, they reluctantly accept is also possible.

And Su Chusheng really do not want to say a word with him, he now old Liu Qing is like a pregnant woman, engage in what young girl pure love, that is not his image at all.

If not for his own friendship with him for so many years, if another person, he will be fooled by this look, if they do not know, see the whole process, then really may think he is what infatuation.

But Su Chusheng knows Liu Qing too well. This kind of scene in his memory inside no less than ten times, so their own for this what pure love girl, simply do not believe him, after all, and a person to stay for a long time, you really will know his face.

“People really just simply reject you. “As a brother, Su Chusheng still gave a word of advice.

Liu Qing immediately denied to: “No, this you do not understand, see you have not even touched a woman’s appearance, how will understand our so high feelings?”

He felt that Su Chusheng was deliberately said so, after all, he himself grew up to such an age, has not met any woman, how could understand their kind of profound love?

“As you wish, hurry up and eat.” Su Chusheng ate by himself and said coldly.

He now to this infatuation with the girl really have nothing to say, say more he will not listen, listen and will refute themselves, so why do they bother, if he likes it, let him like it, and finally to recognize the reality of their own

Liu Qing looked at him helplessly and said: “How can you be so uninteresting? You can’t use your imagination? Imagine me and that little lady having a wonderful encounter with each other.”

He himself think about it all feel very wonderful, only Su Chusheng such people, do not eat the fire of the world, like a killer without feelings.

And also a little bit of love is not, thanks to him really did not and which little lady together, otherwise it is certainly a little lady in vain.

“Can’t, eat your meal, can’t finish you check out.” Su Chusheng said with his balls.

He1.9 does not need the imagination of the imaginary, and reality is not at all marginal, and there is no relationship, if everything can be achieved by imagination, then he would like to live every day in the imagination, but the fact is that it is not possible.

Liu Qing helplessly looked at him also did not say anything, after all, and uninteresting people talk has been an uninteresting conversation,

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