39Chapter: I want to follow you! (Flowers plus more!)

In the end times, people are dangerous.

In his previous life, Chu Tian had experienced too much, and the group of people just now, obviously had malicious intent towards him. After they had the idea and acted on it, Chu Tian pronounced their death sentence.

Right now, since it is certain that Liu Xinyue is safe, one, too, can leave with confidence.

Thinking back to when he just came, the group at the bottom, Chu Tian’s brow, and can not help but frown.

Those who dare to walk the streets so brazenly, those people should not be fools and should have strength themselves.

So what exactly are they searching for?

“Honey, what’s wrong?”

Seeing Chu Tian frowning, Su Mei greeted him, pressed Chu Tian’s temple and gently pressed it: “Is there something wrong?”

Kidola lifted her head, looked uncomprehendingly, and quickly got down again.


Chu Tian pulled Su Mei’s slender hand and said softly, “Come on, let’s go back first.”


Su Mei lightly bit her lips and said, “I know that in an environment like the end times, you can never have only one woman in me, others come, I am also willing, as long as you do not abandon me.”

Chu Tian froze, then directly swept Su Mei over and kissed her.


Kidola lifted her head breathlessly, flew off Chu Tian’s shoulders, and plopped down on the table.

This woman, again, is going to fight with her master.

From the beginning of curiosity, to later disdain, and now calm, Kidola has gotten used to it.

Just, why does the master always look comfortable after every fight?

A flash of disbelief passed through the eyes of Kidola.

This question, I’m afraid that only when they matured, after being able to transform, personally fought with the master, to know.


Chu Tian and Su Mei were wearing less and less clothing, and the two were clinging to each other.


Soft footsteps came.


Chu Tian jerked up.

Just see, a woman wearing a special maid’s outfit, her face painted with light makeup and her hair draped open, walked in with a face full of charm.

In short, every part of the body, are carefully designed to evoke the most primitive desires in the hearts of men.

“Isn’t this the woman from the villa just now? Herself is to see that she just did not make a move on himself, only to let go, now she comes over what?”

Chu Tian’s brow furrowed slightly.

Immediately after, looked at the maid dress woman, walked to the direction of their feet, legs bent, directly towards their knees, head on the ground: “Thank you for saving the life of the master, but Chen Hong now there is nothing to repay you, after willing to give the master as a slave for the maid, can you master?”

After saying this, he opened his eyes wide and looked at Chu Tian with a charming face.

The deliberate hollowing out of the chest design reveals a large area of snow white.

Su Mei lies in Chu Tian’s arms, massaging Chu Tian’s shoulders, without saying a word.

She knew that it was up to Chu Tian alone to decide such things.

The woman’s face, although with Liu Xinyue Su Mei stream can not be compared, but, also absolutely considered the posture into a slight dress, you can go as a netizen or star debut.

Before the end of the world, such a woman, I’m afraid, will not even look at himself, yet now, but begging to be his slave.

However, Chu Tian was still not convinced.

After getting the system, he had expected such a scenario.

And, to be his woman, there are requirements!

Shaking his head directly, he said, “It’s not clean.”

Three short words, but made Chen Hong’s face change.

Before the end of the world, she is the school flower, behind a bunch of licking dogs, say a word with a certain opposite sex, the other party will be happy for a day, but who dares to talk to her like this?

However, things are different now……!

She has to put her foot down, anything to survive!

Chen Hong’s expression quickly switched over, making a soft look, slender hands to the soles of Chu Tian’s feet, said softly: “Master ~ I do not want to, but you know, the end of the world came, if I do not depend on them, simply can not live ……”

When Chu Tian still did not respond, the woman directly used her pretty face to rub the soles of Chu Tian’s feet back and forth.

After walking for so long, Chu Tian’s feet are full of stinky sweat as well as dust, but the woman inhaled deeply into the soles of her feet, showing a greedy and enjoyable expression: “People know that I am dirty and not worthy to be called the master’s woman, and I have never thought about this, only seeking to follow the master, when the slave on the line ……”

Chu Tian sneered in his heart.

This woman, in order to live, really can endure.

Close to the distance of the face, this foot odor can not tolerate themselves, but the other side is like eating a delicacy.

PS: The fifth shift (flowers plus more) is coming, there are still a few extra shifts left, and the author is slowly making up for it.

Request for flowers, comments, monthly votes and reward support !!!!!! *

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