372Chapter Yan Yu

372Chapter Yan Yu

“It’s okay, so let’s go after a breakfast, or do you mean go out and eat again? “Su Chusheng said indifferently.

Maybe he is like this, to plan everything, or wait until after going out, he will also be thinking about this thing, in fact, the main thing is that he has some hunger, otherwise it will not care.

Liu Qing snapped his fingers, laughed and said: “Are you really full of uncomfortable? Since they are out, why do you want to eat at home?”

He really does not understand this brain circuit, Su Chusheng and not what lack of silver people, make so petty look, since they are planning to go out, it is better to play outside will be painful.

“Good, then leave now.” Su Chusheng lifted his leg and walked away after he finished speaking.

He also does not know what happened, he just asked this kind of words in his head, but now it does not matter much, since you want to go out and play, you should go out and play well.

Liu Qing also do not know what happened to him, but heard to go out and play very happy, and hurried to follow.

Two people walking in the busy street, Liu Qing some helplessly asked: “Why are you walking so fast, walking so fast you do not know the way.”

He can not have any discrimination, mainly the newly opened teahouse, Su Chusheng because it is not worth, after all, in addition to some of his favorite places, the other places he will not feel anything, the whole one does not eat the fire and smoke.

“The brand new, the crowded, that is. “Su Chusheng said and took him to stop in front of a teahouse and looked at him.

If it’s a particularly iconic place, it’s very easy to find.

Like this new store, generally speaking, the curiosity of people are relatively large, there must be many people to come, also because of the new, even if the store how to keep them that sign must not be compared with the new hanging on.

Liu Qing looked at him for surprised mouth: “Wow, you are really absolute.” This can be found by him, but also really their own was seen.

It is really God, originally thought he could not find, now found that seems to be a bit naive.

Su Chusheng did not say much to him, the two went into the store.

“Two objective, I do not know what you need. “The two people just entered the room, a nice lady’s voice came.

Looked up, but it was a white and beautiful lady, smiling at them.

“”I’ve heard that the new teahouse’s owner is as beautiful as a flower, I didn’t expect to see it today.”” Liu Qing first greeted.

Sure enough, and those vulgar people are different, it seems that the news is also correct, today to this time is also worth it.

The little woman smiled and said: “objective joking, we said here before is a teahouse, this is not out, the above into a restaurant, the two if the tea to come, may be disappointed.”

(Wang Dehao) She was very reasonable and polite, and it is a very high level to refuse people without losing your manners.

“It does not matter, a vulgar person ,,if it is tea may not be appropriate yet. But listen to your words, you are not the boss’s wife?” Liu Qing but asked.

It is tea is wine and how much worse, mainly because he listened to the words of the little lady feel so a little bit wrong, it is not their own misunderstanding of what happened?

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