369Chapter Turning the page

369Chapter Turning the page

Liu Qing withdrew a glance at him, does he really do not think this thing is very humiliating?

“Forget it, I don’t want others to know.” Liu Qing said indifferently.

He is not what slow, they two are very late today from the garden inside back, that time those underlings have begun to do work, they came must be earlier than they woke up, he would not be stupid to think they did not see this thing.

Su Chusheng may also understand his meaning, after all, Liu Qing did not see when he woke up, but he was watching very clearly, those people watching them next to them, before this may also discuss, so he will also feel embarrassed, Liu Qing so smart people must also be guessed out.

Come on”, this thing you and I are at fault, don’t be so sad as if what happened, is not a joke?” Su Chusheng looked at him that look faintly said.

Although he could not guess Liu Qing’s specific ideas, anyway, outside know Liu Qing must be a little reluctant, after all, from just now he is this look as if someone owes him money, they are also very helpless.

The person who suffers is not only him, he is not still being talked about it? The people who are talking about him are the people inside his house, which seems to have a greater impact on himself compared to the others, I wonder what he is uncomfortable with.

Liu Qing saw that he also said things out, skimmed his mouth and said: “These things are not my fault, although I want to drink, but you can not just let me so drink it, even if you let me drink, you always have to watch me a little.”

He began to transform into a resentful man, has been talking non-stop, just Liu Qing felt that it was not his fault, after all, this is not his home, why all the mistakes have to be borne by him.

Moreover, if you really say that there is no fault, he is certainly at fault, but certainly not the biggest one, after all, he did only a little bit of things, if you have to count up, he is only proposed to drink things, the other wine is not their own – take the.

If they are both particularly prone to drunkenness, this matter does have a relationship with themselves, but they are not, the problem is because of Su Chusheng’s wine, so there is no relationship with themselves.

Request flowers …………

Come on”, this thing I said here is the end.” Su Chusheng is unable to say him, and do not want to say so much to him, after all, Liu Qing’s mouth, they can not say.

In fact, this is not a particularly big thing, but they two big men feel very awkward, but otherwise there is no big problem, but they speak of two awkward it.

Liu Qing patted his shoulder and laughed: “I’m not feeling quite meaningless, teasing you, how do you not believe that I am really sad?

This person is also too uninteresting, it is not to see this day is very boring, so they decided to tease him, did not expect him to be so uninteresting, so little is not funny.

It seems that they are really white planning, originally he was disgraced, things are quite a lot, of course, is not care about this one or two got, so will not particularly care.

And even if it’s really very humiliating, isn’t there still Su Chusheng with him? What’s the big deal. The,

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