358Chapter confessing your mistake

358Chapter confessing your mistake

Lan Rou Rou glared at him and said, “If it weren’t for you, Tsundere, I wouldn’t be like this.” She was so angry, this man in front of her made her feel more angry than ever.

A big man why so don’t twist and turn, and he actually guessed his own mind, and also know what they want to do, it is too terrible, so a guess the human heart of people, also don’t know if there is any special function.

It’s like listening to the old man on the street, to and special functions597 of people are more powerful than normal, when I was small, I thought those words were a lie, but now I suddenly feel that in case there really is.

It is also Su Chusheng, so will play with the hearts of people, as well as will step on the minds of others, she felt that Su Chusheng will be an outstanding warlord, after all, his magical calculation of ancient times and the Zhuge Liang on a fight.

“What did you say?” Su Chusheng asked, frowning.

He never thought a little girl will put this kind of vulgar language out of the mouth, also did not think she actually dare to say so himself, this is how long have not (cfbj) had someone said their own, maybe they all have their reasons, but really a long time ago.

But look at what she just said that means to put things all on their own body, but what does this have to do with themselves? He only refused a little, how can also cause such a big disaster, really no way to imagine.

Wow wow wow wow” wow la. “Liu Qing was surprised on the sidelines.

He let the two of them communicate with each other, this thing is really true, only the two of them at least be able to communicate with each other, themselves and the two of them is really a lot of effort to communicate, although it is not understand their circuit, but also on their two oddballs can communicate with each other.

Moreover, he was not surprised by this matter, this matter in his heart has long been determined, more let him be surprised is that Lan Rou Rou actually scolded Su Chusheng, this matter if said to the door of those disciples to hear, they may all think this is a Su Chusheng.

In his impression inside, this should be the first time someone said Su Chusheng, of course, is also after Su Chusheng brilliant, no one here in him, he has a text chewing words, even if there are words, have not seen Su Chusheng spare anyone, but how today is so strange.

Although he never hit a woman with his hands, but this should be an exception, after all, he never so hit a woman, provided that it is not excessive, but scold Su Chusheng words, should be considered very excessive, but Lan Rou Rou is actually still alive.

“Said you the person is very Tsundere,” Lan Rou Rou looked at him, repeated again, in order to highlight her temperament as well as face, she said aggressively.

Also do not know what is going on, suddenly feel good strange look, in fact, Liu Qing is watching them he is aware of, that is, because of this said, she has to cheer themselves, after all, they are a group of two, and only one person.

And let her say it again so what? She didn’t say anything wrong, she was able to say it again, she didn’t think she said anything wrong, what can’t she say.

Liu Qing looked at the atmosphere, really for the blue RuoZuo pinch hand sweat, after all, just now what is the reason still do not know me, but he he can not guarantee, if you continue to talk about it, blue RuoZuo will not be in danger or not.

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