355Chapter big family is not as big as the ability

355Chapter big family is not as big as the ability

Song Ma now heart is naturally particularly anxious, but anxious really useful? Now this thing has happened, and is also delayed a lot of hours, said the people inside the family will naturally be particularly anxious, and she is now bound to receive, some punishment of this point is inevitable, so he even if the worry, even if the heart is more anxious also did not “five eight three” have any use, just It is just a vain worry, when he brought the good, bad place will be particularly much, in short, he also had to face these things.

All said and done this person remembered this thing to feel particularly terrible, but now he also had to deal with such a thing, every time he remembered such a thing to, it is estimated that he is also ruined long are light, but even if it is ruined there is no use ah, even if the heart regret again there is no value, just give him a great deal of difficulty in the place, so when the time comes they also It is necessary to try to make up for it.

Otherwise, when the time comes, they really can’t eat, all said and done, he still hopes to be able to explain to these people well, even if they leave this home their own side is now considered to have some is not broken how they say it is not possible to let their grandchildren starve and freeze to death, said so they can also be considered to understand their own wish, how to say that they do not have their own family let Married in this area.

If the club in this area, in fact, quite terrible, or he has no way to explain to the ancestors, said this thing was quite terrible, and now they hope to be able to go with their ancestors to explain this thing, after all, they have now raised themselves although so big, can not let themselves born, starve to death I freeze to death.

Although their own family has now been considered no, but suitable for their own, but also can not lose what relationship, and they must also be as far as possible to the family to develop a good, which is to have to hurry to teach their children to do, although they must go to read, so that the words can change their fate, who are aware of, more reading to be able to make themselves more capable.

Unfortunately, they are big and they are not a not since but their own grandchildren and themselves, have the opportunity to study such words are said some things may be so that although they are more intelligent some, but who want their children to be able to have the ability to some hope that the son will become a dragon hope that the daughter will become a phoenix, said this is unjustifiable…..

PS: the new author, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! 1.9Evaluation!!!!

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