353Chapter Jianghu feud

353Chapter Jianghu feud

These grudges and grievances of the Jianghu is no way to say clear, so naturally when the time comes, there are some situations, but also his heart is no way to accept, so he now does not want the gap between people so big, said these Jianghu such personnel should be resolved as soon as possible to solve the talent to solve, so that the words can be a logical solution to every thing, and his heart also Will be slightly happy.

All said and done, this point would have had some value, as long as it is possible to do such a thing, then everything can be carried out583 smoothly.

Before these things are not so terrible, but now they slowly experienced some things, they have to explain, how to say this is also quite terrible, and they are now forced to face some problems.

“Interesting, I did not expect the rivers and lakes grudges grudges to our family side, in that case, this thing must go well to solve a little, I am now force is to this thing to get a good, if the time to happen all the responsibility and loss, you must let him pay to do.

Since he has been here to do medicine, and has been doing things, then we can not let him for the time being, so that people eat the loss for nothing, how to say this is quite terrible, and obviously such a thing is to make people look very ugly, said I also do not want to happen some situation, and I now hope that we can understand my mind, if you can get all of these good words I’m not sure if I’ll be happy.”

Now he naturally knows how important this thing is, how to say he also does not want to have so many problems in the jianghu feud, to say this is also hard for him, how to say he also does not want to have some losses then, now the jianghu feud has involved their families, and even involved some of their friends.

The fact that (cfbj) to this point also makes them particularly painful, at the same time he now hopes to change it, if you can take this thing well to solve, naturally is the best thing, at the same time he is also hoping to reach a consensus with these people as soon as possible.

As long as these people can think about what they want to get, then these things are able to be carried out in a logical manner, and their hearts will not be particularly painful, how to say that they also want to really understand some of the problems it.

Naturally by then there will be less grudges, other things will also be much less.

PS: the new author, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Evaluation!!!!

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