349Chapter Requirements

349Chapter Requirements

Lan Rou Rou said with a quirky smile: “You see I am such a weak woman can make what happened, I did not also told you, I just to escape, at most is to bring you some what trouble.”

Her words with a little bit of a joking tone, let people listen to it will just feel that she is just a poor woman, after all, they just met is under such an occasion, if you say that other estimates are also impossible.

It’s like the first time you see a beautiful woman, she is being bullied, if you see her obsequious look you will not be surprised, that’s the reason.

And Lan Rou Rou’s words inside there is a little bit of heartache, as if she really what will not do the same, just give them some trouble, in fact, she did not think too much, just want to follow them, who let them two make so much trouble.

Liu Qing looked at Su Chusheng, he faced this woman, surprisingly, there is no way, always feel like they will be led by her, then this time out need a very wise person is also Su Chusheng.

After all, he is not belittling himself, but this kind of thing he is really not willing to consider, this kind of thing to waste their intelligence, can really not be appropriate, after thinking about these things, but also want to think about this woman in the end what purpose, in addition to think about what purpose she has to consider, if she follows them will happen what kind of things, too many things need to be considered, so Liu Qing is not want to think, How about throwing directly to Su Chusheng.

“I think it, or your martial arts skills are higher, you consider whether to take her. “Liu Qing laughed and threw the topic to Su Chusheng.

He is not to make this choice, if it really is to make the beauty angry, they are too sinful, Su Chusheng and nothing, he also does not like this thing.

Su Chusheng looked at him, is also very helpless, every time you encounter such things are thrown to themselves, really think he will not be embarrassed?

But he is also more like this, otherwise Liu Qing if not with his consent to bring a stranger back inside the House, may be their own will directly throw him out, in fact, they think about it also know that he is asking his opinion, and do not feel very good, so it is so.

………… for flowers,

“You want to follow us, I am very grateful for your trust, but since you said yourself that there is trouble, then I will not stay, we are still busy, first go on.” Su Chusheng said indifferently, the slightest bit of love does not stay.

And this kind of people have what face good to stay, and then continue to be afraid that really will be her words to set, after all, he also this person is also fickle.

“Wait for the wind. ” Lan Rou Rou stopped in front of them.

How can these two people this way, go to say so a word, the two of them are ready to run, the first is too ignorant of pity, the second thing is that their side is too impolite.

Su Chusheng nagged her and asked indifferently: “You have something? What I said is not clear?

He thought he had just said quite clearly, this woman should not be unable to understand it, now stop them, can not think of stopping them? But it is also really too stupid idea. The,

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